
tōng lìng
  • issue a general order;transmit an order
通令 [tōng lìng]
  • (1) [issue a general order]∶上级机关把同一命令发到所属的若干地方、部门,也指发往各处的同一命令

  • (2) [transmit an order]∶传达命令

通令[tōng lìng]
  1. 通令所属一体遵照。

    All the units are to be informed that the instructions should be carried out .

  2. 关于严禁鸦片烟毒的通令

    Decree on the Strict Prohibition of Opium Smoking

  3. 您如果认为我说得不对,可以通令全国:

    If you think what I said is wrong , you can issue an order to the whole country : '

  4. 李贽去世后,著作被通令烧毁,不再印制。

    After Li ' s death , an order was issued that all his published and unpublished works be burned , and no further copies made .

  5. 我不会修改协议的条款,但会通令各军官,只要你们那些士兵说马匹或骡子是他们私有的,就容许他们带回家去。

    I will not change the terms , but I will tell my officers to let all the men who claim to own a horse or mule take the animals home with them .