
yào fàn
  • beg;beg for food or
要饭 [yào fàn]
  • [beg for food or] 乞讨财物或食物

要饭[yào fàn]
  1. 政府没有给他们钱,他们只能去要饭。

    The government did not give them money , forcing them to scrounge for food .

  2. 他们的孩子经常挨饿。我会在岸上挨饿要饭的。

    Their children often went hungry . I shall starve on shore .

  3. 他没有要饭,只乞求给他一口水喝。

    Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water .

  4. 典型我的老板最后沦落到得要饭和借债的地步。

    My boss has reduced to begging and borrowing .

  5. 有一段时期他到了要饭的地步。

    For some time he was reduced to begging .

  6. 它们围着我“喵喵”地叫着要饭吃。

    They circled around me and crying for food .

  7. 我把它们扔给要饭的了。

    I dropped them off at a homeless shelter .

  8. 学校的大楼前面有一个要饭的。

    There is a beggar in frond of the building in the school .

  9. 他在一个要饭的面前,很少不布施一点钱。

    He seldom passed a beggar without offering alms .

  10. 他说,要饭的哪能挑挑拣拣。

    He says beggars mustn 't be choosers .

  11. 他每次要饭的时候都会倒立唱歌吗?

    Does he always stand on his head and sing while he is asking ?

  12. 沦落到得要饭、借债。

    Be reduced to begging , borrowing .

  13. 在过去这位老人只有一只要饭的碗。

    The old man had nothing but a bowl for begging in the old days .

  14. 旧社会,贫困使许多人沦落到沿街要饭的地步。

    In the old days , poverty reduced many people to begging in the street .

  15. 我会在岸上挨饿要饭的。

    I shall starve on shore .

  16. 要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦。饥不择食。

    Beggars can 't be choosers .

  17. 每当我们停在红绿灯前,就会有很多要饭的孩子跑到我们的车两旁。

    As we are stopped at the traffic lights , more beggars came to our window .

  18. 他们以捡垃圾、偷东西、要饭、卖唱为生。

    They make living by collecting garbage , stealing , begging , and singing in the street .

  19. 楼下,一个要饭的一边用簧风琴勉强奏出曲调,一边在唱一支古老的华沙歌曲。

    Downstairs , a beggar scratched out a tune on a street-organ and sang an old Warsaw melody .

  20. 我抬起头说,啊,婆婆,你从哪里知道美国人都要饭去了?

    I looked up and said , ah , mother-in-law , you know where the American have to go eat ?

  21. 在这里,要饭也能要到荤汤腊水的,乡下只有棒子面。

    Here even a beggar could get soup with meat in it , whereas in the countryside there was nothing but maize flour .

  22. 福林特的手下大多数都在这条船上,而且很高兴能吃上葡萄干&他们当中有些人以前甚至靠要饭过日子。

    Where 's Flint 's ? Why , most on'em aboard here , and glad to get the duff-been begging before that , some on'em.

  23. 那老婆婆看着我说,咋不知道,你城市人更知道吧,美国人都要饭去了

    That old lady looked at me and said , know , the more people you know city , the Americans have to go eat a

  24. 拉撒路不会永远躺在富人的门口要饭,到那一天,他就躺在亚伯拉罕的怀中。

    Lazarus will not always lie among the dogs at the rich man 's gate , but he will have his recompense in Abraham 's bosom .

  25. 不一会儿,门外响起了敲门声。妇人忙去开门,站在门外的是一个要饭的老乞丐。

    Soon there was a knock on the door , and when she opened it , there stood an old beggar asking for something to eat .

  26. 我说不上来。里德舅妈说,要是我有亲戚,也准是一群要饭的,我可不愿去要饭。

    I cannot tell ; aunt Reed says if I have any , they must be a beggarly set : I should not like to go a-begging .

  27. 可怜的拇指姑娘站在门口,像一个要饭的穷苦女孩子。她恳求田鼠施舍一颗大麦给她,因为她已经两天没有吃任何东西了。

    Poor Thumbelina stood outside the door , like a beggar-girl , and begged for a little barley-corn , for she had not had anything to eat for two days .

  28. 像鲁山街上这个小市场,如果倒闭了,起码有一万人失掉生计,马上向你伸手要饭吃。

    If the small street market in Lushan shuts down , at least 10,000 people will lose their means of livelihood and will soon be begging for food from you .

  29. 解放前要是碰到这样的年景,很多人肯定会死掉,许多人会逃荒要饭,许多人会被迫卖儿卖女。

    Before liberation , years like these would have meant certain death for many people . Many would have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children .

  30. 不要用筷子敲碗和盘子,尤其是当你是客人时,因为人们认为这是乞丐在要饭时的下贱行为。

    Do not drum or tap bowls and plates with chopsticks especially when you are a guest , because people believe that is the humble behavior of beggars when they beg for food