
xuǎn zé tí
  • choice question;multiple-choice question
选择题[xuǎn zé tí]
  1. 中学数学选择题的快速解法

    The Skills for the Choice Question in the Maths of Middle School

  2. 对一种新的选择题题型的信度的探究

    Search on credit of a new multiple choice question

  3. 他擅长做选择题。

    He excels in multiple-choice questions .

  4. 选择题测试不可能达到那种效果。

    It 's probably impossible to do that with multiple-choice tests .

  5. 虽然现在针对选择题和判断正误题的自动评分系统已经非常普遍,但利用人工智能技术对短文进行评分尚未得到教育工作者的广泛认可,而且批评声也很多。

    Although automated grading systems for multiple-choice and true-false tests are now widespread , the use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread acceptance by educators and has many critics .

  6. 人生并非都是选择题或是是非题,大部分是应用题,要我们一点一滴的论证,取舍的过程,做错了也没关系。

    The life is not always full of multiple choices or the yes-or-no questions , but application questions which need us to prove little by little . During theprocess , we need to make choice to get or lose . It matters not even if we getwrong answers .

  7. Q.如果每个参加美国高考(SAT)的学生都在选择题部分乱猜一气会怎么样?

    Q. What if everyone who took the SAT guessed on every multiple-choice question ?

  8. 利用Authorware实现选择题考试系统

    The Realization of the use of Multiple-Choice Examination System Authorware

  9. 多项选择题作为语言测试的一种题型,是语言测试发展史上第二个阶段的产物,其最初创立于心理测试(mentaltesting)时期。

    As a testing type , multiple choice is the product of the second stage of the language testing development , which was founded in psychological test ( mental testing ) period .

  10. 用Authorware制作单项选择题

    Making Single Selection Item with Authorware

  11. 用Authorware知识跟踪功能设计机上选择题答题、自动记分系统

    Design Multiple-Choice Answering in the Computer and Registering the Fraction Automatically for Slotting knowledge by Authorware

  12. 多项选择题(MultipleChoiceItems)是C-Test考试的主要题型,其选项的质量与考试的信效度等各项指标都有密切的关系。

    Multiple-choice items are the main item type in C-Test in which the quality of the options are closely related to the reliability and validity of the test .

  13. 对学生练习软件进行了研究,用Director制作了一个通用的选择题应用软件,介绍了该软件的制作及使用。

    Starting with investigation and study of practice software for students , this article briefly introduces the designing and application of a common multiple choice practice software , which is made by using Director .

  14. SAT考试并非全部都是选择题,为了把问题简单化,我们假定只在选择题部分乱猜答案,并假设所有人在写作题目和填空部分都拿了满分。

    Not all of the SAT is multiple-choice , so let 's focus on the multiple-choice questions to keep things simple . We 'll assume everyone gets the essay questions and fill-in-the-number sections correct .

  15. FCI是一组有关牛顿定律基本概念的选择题,由30个小题组成。

    The FCI is a collection of30 multiple-choice questions on the basic concepts of Newton 's laws .

  16. 本文以制作英语课件的判断题和选择题为例,详细介绍如何利用Authorware7.0制作CAI测试软件,并对用户的回答进行统计,评定成绩。

    Through an example of English course , this document introduces the details of how to utilize Authorware 7.0 to create CAI program of a test , evaluate the answers and generate the grade .

  17. 在2014年的SAT考试中,数学部分有44道选择题,批判性阅读部分有67道,新式1的写作部分有47道。

    In the 2014 version of the SAT , there were 44 multiple-choice questions in the math ( quantitative ) section , 67 in the critical reading ( qualitative ) section , and 47 in the newfangled1 writing section .

  18. 标准化考试中的单项或多项选择题形式在CAI中被大量采用,其主要优点是便于客观地统一评分标准和便于计算机阅卷、统计。

    There are more and more uniterming and multiple-choice questions in standard tests used in CAI , and its advantage is that people can use computers to check the answers and get statistics , thus the scores are objective , because of the same standards of grading .

  19. 为此,埃里恩·巴达尔及同事创造了“光与光谱学概念测试题库(LSCI)”,这是由26个选择题构成的一组问题。

    To that end , Erin Bardar and coworkers created the Light and Spectroscopy Concept Inventory ( LSCI ) & a collection of26 multiple-choice questions .

  20. 采用文献资料法、逻辑推理法、综合分析法、Delphi法,从整体论出发,对比较联想选择题(C.A.C.Q)作为客观试题的主要成份进行了研究。结果表明,运用C。

    This paper makes a study on the major elements of comparison association multiple choice questions ( C.A.C.Q ) as objective test questions by historical documents , logical argumentation , analytic and synthetic methods and Delphi method .

  21. 计算机职称考试系统中选择题选取的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Choice-based Test System for Computer Degree Test

  22. 多重选择题难度的估计方法

    The estimate methods of the difficulty for multiple choice test questions

  23. 他们的阅读理解用相同的20道单项选择题来测试。

    Comprehension was measured by the same 20 multiple choice questions .

  24. 计算机考试系统中选择题的选择及验证

    Selection and verification of choice part in computer application exam system

  25. 信息熵在多项选择题质量分析中的应用

    The Application on Comentropy in the Quality Analysis of Multiple Choices

  26. 现实生活中这不是道选择题。

    That 's not always an option in the real world .

  27. 我会给你们做三道多项选择题。

    I 'm going to ask you three multiple choice questions .

  28. 领导显然更喜欢做的是“选择题”。

    " Leadership is obviously like to do is " choice .

  29. 对多项选择题应有一个恰如其分的评价话语基调对科普英语词汇语法的影响

    The Influence of Tenor on the Lexico-grammatical Choices in ECST Texts

  30. 问卷由多项选择题构成。

    The data were collected by means of multiple choices .