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  • 网络alternative conjunction
  1. 并在此基础上讨论元刊杂剧疑问代词的更迭情况和历史地位,探讨元刊杂剧选择问句的特征及选择连词的历时发展特点。

    Moreover , we discuss the development and the historical status of the interrogative words in Zaju Revised in Yuan dynasty , inquire into their features of the Zaju and the development features of the alternative conjunctions in history .

  2. 选择连词其与语气副词其

    The Conjunction of Choice Qi and the Adverb of Mood Qi

  3. “亡其”是古汉语中的一个选择连词,但并不是所有的“亡其”都用作连词。

    That " wuqi " was an optional conjunction in ancient Chinese language does not mean that it is used as a conjunction all the time .

  4. 本研究使用的调查问卷包括两个任务:一个是选择适当的连词连接句子,即句法任务;一个是看图写作文,即语篇任务。

    The research questionnaire includes two tasks : one is to choose the appropriate conjunctives to connect the two clauses , which is the syntax task that is SLT .

  5. 在句法任务中,要求受试从十一个连接词中选择适当的连词将两个句子连接在一起,一共有20组句子,其中8组是干扰项。

    In the syntax task , the subjects are required to choose the proper conjunctive from a group of 11 conjunctives to connect a pair of two independent sentences into one complete sentence . There are twenty pairs and eight of them are used as interference pairs .