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fǎn fù wèn jù
  • the complex interrogative sentence
  1. 山东寿光方言的比较句和反复问句与普通话有一定的差别。

    The comparative sentence and the complex interrogative sentence in Hisamitsu dialect is different from the standard chinese .

  2. 陕北方言反复问句的句法形式

    The syntax of complex interrogative sentence in Northern Shaanxi dialect

  3. 首先对形容词生动形式的仿词功能进行描写;其次分析了反复问句中形容词生动形式的语用特征;最后对特殊类子缀形容词的相关语用问题进行了阐释。

    Firstly , we describe the imitation function of them . Secondly , we analyze the pragmatic features of the adjective vivid form in the repeated questions . Finally , we explain the pragmatic issues of the special class Affixed Zi adjectives .