
  • 网络voter registration;registration of voters;electoral register
  1. 塔利班说它在选民登记地附近袭击。

    Taliban says it carried out attack near voter registration site .

  2. 这场音乐会旨在开始全国性的选民登记运动。

    The concert was to kick off a nationwide voter registration drive .

  3. 盖尔.凯奇是华盛顿非党派的选民登记中心(VoterParticipationCenter)的首席营运官。

    Gail Kitch is chief operating officer with the non-partisan Voter Participation Center in Washington .

  4. 首份临时选民登记册功能组别登记册登记申请书

    First provisional register Application for Registration in a Functional Constituency

  5. 首份临时选民登记册艾伦找到一份临时工作。

    First provisional register Ellen has got a temporary job .

  6. 你必须先办好选民登记才能投票选举。

    You must register to be able to vote .

  7. 你的姓名在选民登记册上吗?

    Is your name on the register of voters ?

  8. 黑人选民登记投票的工作遭到官方的阻力和警察的暴力。

    The effort to register black voters met official resistance and police violence .

  9. 他打破了全国各地的选民登记记录。

    He shattered voter registration records across the country .

  10. 安哥拉政府耗费数百万美元用于选民登记,资助竞选。

    The Angolan government spent millions of dollars registering voters and funding the campaign .

  11. 使用选民登记册资料承诺书

    Undertaking on the Use of Electoral Records

  12. 该政府还支持了一个选民登记活动让更多的黑人选民也能参加报名。

    The administration also supported a voter registration campaign to sign up more black voters .

  13. 真实的和经过核查的(柬埔寨公民)选民登记名单

    Genuine and verified voter registration lists

  14. ?保险界选民登记率高达百分之九十二,在功能界别中,高踞第二位。

    - You have a 92 % voter registration rate , the second highest among functional constituencies .

  15. 我们给新选民登记我们安排课后活动我们争取新的就业机会

    We registered new voters and we set up after-school programs and we fought for new jobs .

  16. 地方选区正式选民登记册

    Geographical constituencies final register

  17. 已经核实的选民登记清单

    Verified voter registration lists

  18. 从自由之夏到塞尔玛行军(黑人选民登记活动),那一代的活动者知道选举事关重大,

    From Freedom Summer to the march in Selma , that generation of activists knew that voting matters ,

  19. 各政党请来在投票站外询问投票者“选民登记号”的人。

    Representatives of parties who wait outside polling stations and ask people for their number on the electoral roll .

  20. 赞比亚选举官员表示,选民登记造册进行正常,星期四的选举也相当平静以及有秩序。

    Zambian election officials said vote tabulation was going normally and Thursday 's elections had been quiet and orderly .

  21. 不予选民登记和不列入选民名单与不计入选民人数是有区别的;

    Not being registered as a voter is different from not being accounted in the totality of voter s ;

  22. 如果你的名字不在选民登记簿上,你就无权投票。

    If your name is not on the register of electors , you will not be able to vote .

  23. 我们还考虑让每个公民在申请驾照的时候可以自动获得选民登记。

    We 're also considering automatic voter registration for every citizen when they apply for a driver 's license .

  24. 台下设了现场的选民登记等服务,两层的酒吧坐得满满当当。

    At the scene , a voter registration service was provided , and the two-story bar was packed with people .

  25. 另一项科技发展中,加纳成为了最新的投资于生物选民登记系统的非洲国家。

    In another technology development , Ghana has become the latest African country to invest in a voter registration system .

  26. 奥巴马拒绝了利润丰厚的工作机会之后,法学院返回芝加哥,导致一个成功的选民登记运动。

    Obamaturned down lucrative job o ? ers after law school to return to Chicago , leading a successful voter registration drive .

  27. 关于村委会选举选民登记的几个法律问题&对省级村委会选举法规一个方面内容的比较与评析

    Several Law Issues on Voters Registration in Villagers Committee Election ── A Comparative Analysis on One Aspect of Provincial Villagers Committee Election Rules

  28. 两位候选人仍在努力竞选,争取民主党的党内总统候选人提名。大量选民登记参加投票,可以预见这次宾州的选民投票率将会相当高。

    Two candidates are still battling hard for the Democratic nomination , voter registration is way up , and a high turnout is expected .

  29. 罗安达许多边远地区的投票站由于缺少选票、没有选民登记册或者没有票箱,因此投票推迟了好几个小时。

    In many outlying areas of Luanda , polling places opened hours late because they lacked ballot papers , voter registration lists or ballot boxes .

  30. 中西部地区,包括俄亥俄州的亚洲选民登记率,低于西部,东北部和南部地区。

    Midwest , of which Ohio is a part of , has the lowest Asian voter registration rates among the west , northeast and south regions .