- 名linkage group

It was suggested that the genes related to phosphorus deficiency tolerance located on linkage group F in soybean .
The results showed that cf-h is a new mutant gene located in the 19 th linkage group .
The distribution of SSR markers on every linkage group is not even .
A molecular linkage map including 62 RAPD markers and 19 linkage groups was constructed ;
Establishment of Specific SSR from Different Linkage Groups of Cabbage Compared with Chinese Cabbage
One AFLP marker added in linkage group A2 filled one gap .
3.1 Map consisting of 33 linkage groups and 558 AFLP markers was constructed .
Five QTL were detected for chlorophyll a content and they were distributed in 3 linkage groups .
Two environment stable QTLs for branch number were located on linkage group F and G. One QTL for plant height stable in p2 and F3 ;
Seven QTLs associated with phosphorus deficiency tolerance were detected and mapped on the linkage groups of D1b + W , F , G , N , and O.
The mathematical model of variance component of Generation F 2 is put forward in condition of existing M linkage groups .
This genetic linkage map contained 20 linkage groups , 136 marker loci including 67 SRAP , 48 SSR and 21 RAPD loci .
At first , 3 times repeats test of these SSR molecular markers can get the same stable result , which demonstrate the small experimental error .
Of the 27 QTL detected in ten LGs , several QTL were found to map in the same QTL region of a few LGs .
The map included 131 loci ( 122 RAPD and nine morphological loci ), and the fourteen linkage groups covered 1302.4 cM with the average marker interval of 9.9 cM .
A total of 154 QTLs for 16 yield related traits under 6 different environments were identified by using the composite interval mapping ( CIM ) method .
In addition , the less effect QTL of linolenic which was located on N5 was a new QTL . 5 .
Ultimately , 183 SSR markers were assigned to 10 linkage groups . A total length of the linkage map equals to 1605.7 cM , with an average interval of 8.77 cM .
The two QTLs related to chlorophyll a were located in the third linkage group , and one in the third linkage group the other in the forth linkage group for chlorophyll b and total chlorophyll .
Three QTLs on chromosomes 1,6 , and 7 that accounted for 8.9 % 17.2 % of the total phenotypic variance were detected using the mean resistant disease index of two locations .
In order to isolate and identify the CMS genes , we developed a new platform to construct physical map of chromosome DNA by means of restriction enzyme double digestion . The elongation of contigs is based on Southern hybridization .
Crosses were made between the mutant and the normal type or the lines with the marker genes for various linkage groups to study its genetics and linkage . The results showed that mottled translucent oh resulted from a recessive mutation in the 20th linage group .
A genetic map based on PCR markers is constructed with this population . It spreads over 32 linkage groups and contains 117 markers including 104 SSR markers , 8 ISSR markers and 5 AFLP markers .
A total of 324 SSR markers were mapped on 24 linkage groups . Chromosome 5A , 5B and 7B contain two linkage groups .
Using Mapmaker analytic software , 84 markers were assigned to 11 linkage groups , the rate of map-making marker were 68.85 % ;
By using of composite interval-mapping approach , 2 QTLs associated with powdery mildew resistance were found , which located on the third linkage group , and they explained 7.6 % and 13.5 % of the trait variation , respectively .
QTLs from the two resistant germplasm were different in the distrubution on linkage groups , the mode of gene action and the genetic effect , which meant that the resistant genes controlling the antibiosis may not be the same .
Two loci located on the 5th and 19th group were detected for the trait of seed coat color based on the linkage group using multiple interval mapping method and explained 46 % and 30.9 % of the phenotypic variation , respectively .
A molecular genetic map of Chinese cabbage was constructed using AFLP and RAPD markers . 352 markers including 265 AFLP markers and 87 RAPD markers were integrated into 17 linkage groups . It covered a total of 2665.7 cM with an average interval of 7.6 cM .
It was also showed that SRAP analysis was efficient , stable and repeatable in this study , and could be used in the construction of the genetic linkage map , identification of strains and molecular marker assisted breeding .