- 名serial section

Method : The internal architecture of His bundle were observed and measured by serial section and image analysis in 23 rats .
All the specimens were routine serial section , whose thickness was 5 $ m.
All specimens were fixed in10 % paraformaldehyde , dehydrated , waxed , embedded in paraffin , sliced inseries .
By using serial section of human larynxes and CT images , a three-dimensional reconstruction of larynx is made with the computer system-SUN 4 / 75 work station .
OT immunoreactivity in CL tissue during pregnancy could be observed both in large luteal cells and in small luteal cells .
Methods : 25 cases of IM was detected by AB PAS , AB ( pH 2 5 ), HID , respectively .
In synovial consecutive slice samples of 6 cases from OA , iNOS was predominantly expressed in synovial lining cells , inflammatory infiltrating cells , endothelial cells .
Based on CT scanning before and after PVP , 90 serial sections with the thickness of 1 mm were obtained and the size of each pixel was 0.33 mm .
Apoptotic signal was present in approximately 10 % of the tumor cells in only 3 of 40 cancer samples .
RESULTS : Neurons on each section of the whole CNS serial sectioning in rat were in dark nankeen , which the nuclear membrane and nucleolus were in black ;
Conventional alcohol dehydration , xylene transparent , the Baptist embedded in wax , 5 μ m consecutive section , part numbers and standby .
Then , 5 μ m serial section was made on the sagittal plane .
The results of incubation with different primary antibodies NPY , DBH , Leu-Enk on serial sections showed that NPY-like immunoreactivity co-exists with Leu-Enk in part of chromaffin cells .
The relationship between PGCs migration and gonad development of chick embryo which was incubated for 3 hours ~ 7 days were studied .
Methods : Golgi impregnation , consecutive ultrathin sections and NIH imaging were used to measure the size of the spine head and its postsynaptic density .
Taken from 2 paraffin embedded tissues , pigmented nevi were cut into serial histologic sections . The expression of nevus cell and basement membrane were respectively applied by S-100 and IV collagen antibody with LAB-SA immunohistochemical technique .
Pathological examinations false negative rates in serial section ( SS ) + immunohistochemistry ( IHC ) and hematoxylin and eosin ( HE ) staining were 7 % and 23 % respectively .
The specimens of male offspring were sliced serially in coronal plane , expression of ACTIN and PCNA in gubernaculum testis was detected by immunohistochemical methods , histological changes were observed with light microscope ( LM ) .
After all imaging studies , the tumor specimens were taken out for immunohistochemical staining to observe the expression of HAb18G at protein level .
Methods By way of nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase ( NADPH d ) histochemical technique the continued sections of Oncomelania hupensis snails were investigated systematically .
Results : ( 1 ) Senstivity of AFB and PGL antigen detection can be significantly improved by examination of 20 or more serial sections .
The process of embryo sac formation and development in rice ( cultivar IR36 ) was studied by the modified GMA semi-thin serial sectioning technique .
Methods Chick telencephalons from day 5 to day 12 of embryonic development were fixed and paraffin embedded , serially sectioned at 5 μ m , stained with Thionin and TUNEL respectively and observed in the light microscope .
Method The middle cerebral artery ( MCA ) of rats was occluded for 2 h with MCAO model , and reperfusion . At each time rat brains were continuously cut to three sections for HE 、 TUNEL staining and bcl 2 protein immunohistochemical staining .
Methods 10,13,16 days of age in wister male rat , each 10.By means of celloidin embedding in coronal plane . Hypothalamic nucleus were measured on computer assisted morphometric techniques .
Methods : Two trigeminal nerve root and the trigeminal nerve sensory root ( TNSR ) were obtained from 10 anatomic cadav ers and were paraffin embedded .
Methods : Each heart of 30 - , 60 - and 120-week-old apoE ( - / - ) mice was cut consecutively and stained by HE staining , immunohistochemistry staining and electron transmission microscope to identify the types of the imflammatory cells infiltrated at adventitia of coronary artery .
Chicken embryos from stage 15 to stage 45 were studied by means of serial section and light microscopy in order to learn the relationship between the spermatogonium and the testicular development in the early chicken embryo .
Intraperitoneal injection of H ~ 3-thymidine was given to the rats immediately after corticectomy of the parietal lobes . On the 4th day after operation , the cerebral tissue was removed , fixed in Carnoy , serial sectioned , and stained with cresyl violet .
Dimension of excision and wound surface recovery status were observed .