
rǎn sè tǐ duàn liè
  • chromosome breakage;chromosome break;chromosome fragmentation
  1. L02细胞接受碳离子照射后染色体断裂的产额,并应用早熟染色体凝集技术获得该细胞在经重离子照射后的染色体断裂产额的实验值。

    The cell chromosome break value by 12C + 6 ions was theoretically calculated , and was tested with experimental data of chromosome breaks by using a premature chromosome condensation technique .

  2. 与DNA损伤效应不同,砷是断裂剂,引起染色体断裂,可能因易位到另外染色体的某些基因区域上,形成基因重排、激活癌基因而致癌。

    It is clear that mechanisms of arsenic carcinogenesis is chromosome abnormality rather than DNA damage As a clastogen , arsenic induces chromosome break , translocation to the some special gene regions of the other chromosome , which might make rearrangement of gene and activate oncogens .

  3. 方法采用G显带方法分析外周血淋巴细胞染色体断裂点。

    Methods The breakpoints of lymphocyte chromosomes are analyzed using G-banding .

  4. 结果发现,SO2及其衍生物可引起以上组织细胞的DNA损伤,表明SO2是一种基因毒性因子和染色体断裂剂,它可影响机体免疫系统、中枢神经系统和造血系统的正常功能。

    The results suggested that SO2 was a clastogen and genotoxic agent , it could make effects on the function of immune system , neuronal system and hematopoietic .

  5. 本组资料表明,微核率和染色体断裂频率在各加药组和对照组之间均有非常显著差异(P<0.01)。

    It showed very significant difference in the rate of micronucleus and frequency of chromosome breakage between the adding medicine groups and the control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  6. 结果:4组CPM的精子染色体断裂率和畸变率均没有显著提高(P>0.05)。

    RESULTS : Rate of chromosomal breakage and rate of aberration had not striking increased among the four groups .

  7. 胞质分裂阻滞微核法(cytokinesis-blockmicronucleustest,CBMNT)是一套以检测染色体断裂和染色体分离为主的实验体系。

    The cytokinesis-block micronucleus test ( CBMNT ) is a method for measuring chromosome breakage and / or whole chromosome loss .

  8. 结论随SO2浓度增加,细胞遗传物质损伤加重,且有明确的剂量-效应关系,表明SO2空气污染物是染色体断裂剂和基因毒性因子。

    Conclusion With the increase of concentrations of SO2 , the damage of cytogenetic material became more serious and revealed a more clear dose-effect relationship . It suggested that SO2 was a clastogen and genotoxic agent .

  9. 本研究通过对我国27例正常人和51例骨髓造血功能衰竭的患者(48例临床诊断为AA,3例临床诊断为FA)进行了丝裂霉素C(MMC)诱导的染色体断裂试验。

    In this study , MMC-induced chromosome breakage tests have been done on 27 healthy controls and 51 patients with bone marrow failure 〔 including 48 patients with aplastic anemia ( AA ) and 3 patients with FA before cytogenetic analysis 〕 .

  10. 染色体断裂可以发生在45Srdna重复序列区域中的不同部位,说明黑麦草45Srdna脆性位点具有异质性。

    Chromatin breakage occurred at various locations within the 45S rDNA regions , suggesting heterogeneity of lesions of 45S rDNA sites with respect to their position within the rDNA region .

  11. 分别对3例FA患儿的外周血淋巴细胞进行了丝裂霉素C(MMC)诱导的染色体断裂试验,用细胞融合和互补分析方法,检测FA患儿基因亚型。

    The peripheral blood lymphocytes were collected and mitomycin C ( MMC , DNA cross link agent , the concentration 100 ng / ml ) induced chromosomal breakage tests were done . The genetic subtype of FA was achieved by cell fusion and complementation analysis .

  12. 此外,用常规Giemsa染色分析了800个中期细胞,发现染色体断裂为025%,无着丝粒畸变和不平衡易位均为005%,自发畸变率很低。

    In addition , 800 metaphase cells were analysed by conventional Giemsa stain . The results showed that break was 0.25 % , acentric aberration and translocation were 0.05 % . The spontaneous aberration frequencies were very low .

  13. 结果表明,预防性给予FFNM可以明显抑制CP引起的小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核形成,说明FFNM对化学诱变剂引起的染色体断裂有一定保护作用,具有抗突变作用。

    The experimental results indicated that FFNM with preventive administration significantly inhibited CP induced bone marrow micronucleus formation in mice , which suggest that FFNM exhibited a protective effect on mutagen induced chromosomal breakage , i.e. it have a antimutagenic action .

  14. 白血病患者20例染色体断裂点研究

    Chromosomal breakpoints in 20 patients with leukemia Ma Jia-bao et al . Department of pediatrics

  15. 如此,那些在早期减数分裂过程中所引起的染色体断裂部分,将在四分体时期变成微核。

    The chromosome fragments which are induced by the agent at the early meiotic stage become micronuclei at the tetrad stage .

  16. 43个异常核型细胞中,缺失、易位、染色体断裂、双着丝粒、倒位各有19、16、4、1、1个细胞。

    Among 43 cells with abnormal chromosomes , deletion , translocation , dicentrics , csb and inversion were demonstrated in 19,16,4,1 and 1 cells .

  17. 离体培养和花粉的单倍性容易引起植物体细胞的核内有丝分裂,核融合,多极有丝分裂以及染色体断裂等现象。

    Endomitosis , karyomixis , multipolar mitosis and chromosome break of the somatic cells were easily induced by culturing in vitro and by pollen haploidy .

  18. 鼻咽癌患者淋巴细胞染色体断裂热点与脆性部位、癌基因位点相关性的初步探讨

    The Study on the Relationship of the Induced Chromosome Breakpoints in Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with the Fragile Site and Oncogenes Loci in Human Chromosomes

  19. 试验组染色体断裂细胞百分率(10.67%)与对照组(8.00%)之间差异不显著(P>0.05);

    The percentage of chromosome breakage cells had no different between test ( l0.67 % ) and contrast ( 8 . 00 % , P > 0 . 05 ) .

  20. 双链断裂得不到修复,细胞将会死亡或发生染色体断裂、丢失,若是错误修复将导致基因突变或基因组不稳定,增加癌症的风险度。

    If not repaired , the breakage can result in lethality or chromosome breakage , and if misrepaired , it can cause mutation , gene instability and the increased rate of tumorigenesis .

  21. 其中氟化钠和氯化汞组的微核率与阴性对照组(2.2‰)比较.有显著差异.可以认为是雄性生殖细胞染色体断裂剂。

    Of them the rates of sodium fluoride and mercury chloride groups were significantly different from the control group ( 2 . 2 ‰) and were potential clastogens of male germ cell chromosome .

  22. 但染色体断裂(单断及双断)所占的比率,分别为50.0%、61.7%及56.8%,与环磷酰胺(56.0%)相接近。

    But the ratios of chromosome fracture ( monofracture and bifracture ) are 50.0 % , 61.7 % and 56.8 % respectively , which approach to the ratio of cyclophosphamide ( 56.0 % ) .

  23. 在中期Ⅰ发现染色体断裂和断片、易位多价体、性染色体和常染色体的单价体频率显著增高。

    The chromosomal breaks and fragments , univalents of auto - and sex-chromosomal type and translocation multivalents , especially a rare type , namely between an X chromosome and an autosome were increased at diakinesis-metaphase ⅰ .

  24. 结果:孤独症组染色体断裂或裂隙的频率为16.2%,普通型脆性位点表达15例(18.75%),遗传型脆性位点表达8例(10.0%);与对照组比较,差异均有显著性。

    Results : 8 cases of rare hereditary fragile sites and 18 cases of general fragile sites were observed in autistic children . Chromosome breakpoints were observed with the frequency of 16.2.These results showed that the observed frequencies were significantly higher than those of the normal children .

  25. 染色体畸变断裂点分布的初步研究关于{x/n}的分布

    A preliminary research on distribution of breaking points of chromosome aberration

  26. 目的对医用诊断X射线工作者染色体畸变断裂点的分布进行分析。

    Objective To analyze the distribution of the chromosome aberration breakpoints from medical diagnostic X-ray workers .

  27. 由NEU所诱发的染色体初级断裂不能为连接酶所修复。

    Thus , the NEU-induced primary chromosome breakage may not be repaired by the ligase .

  28. 亚砷酸钠还可引起CHO细胞的姐妹染色单体互换率的增加和人类淋巴细胞染色体的断裂和畸变。

    Sodium arsenite was also shown to produce increased sister chromatid exchange in CEO cells and increased chromosome breakage in human lymphocytes .

  29. 目的分析滑膜肉瘤t(X;18)染色体易位断裂点基因组DNA序列特征,探讨其与滑膜肉瘤t(X;18)染色体易位发生的关系。

    Objective To analyze the DNA sequence characteristics of translocation t ( X ; 18 ) genomic breakpoints and to study the mechanism underlying chromosomal translocation t ( X ; 18 ) in synovial sarcoma .

  30. 重组病毒感染BHK21细胞后,可见由于细胞凋亡而致的染色体DNA断裂梯子电泳图。

    When infected with the recombinant viruses , the chromosome DNA ladder caused by the apoptosis of the BHK cell was observed .