
  • 网络Connectivity;Connect Tool;Interface Tools
  1. 有些远程连接工具,比如WindowsRemoteDesktopConnection,允许关闭但不停止远程连接。

    Some remote connection tools like Windows Remote Desktop Connection allow the remote connection to be closed but not stopped .

  2. 如果使用远程连接工具在服务器上安装LifecycleManager,了解这一点很重要。

    It is important to know this if Lifecycle Manager is being installed on a server using a remote connection tool .

  3. 当然,连接工具需要了解Portlet能够发布和接收的事件类型。

    Of course , the wiring tool needs to know about the event types that portlets can publish and receive .

  4. 因此,连接工具至少必须能够使您在每个Feed的基础上配置PachubeAPI密钥。

    A bridging utility must therefore at a minimum enable you to configure the Pachube API key on a per-feed basis .

  5. 用户还可以得到一张我们新近发布的N2K软件包模拟光盘、一个控制、管理及网络连接工具,用以与热处理设备实时连接。

    Users will also find a simulation of our newly launched N2K software package , a control , management and networking tool for real-time interaction with heat treating equipment .

  6. 使用连接工具将导入连接到中介流组件。

    Connect the import to the mediation flow component using the wire tool .

  7. 文本主要是通过连接工具的网络比如说互联网来传播的。

    The text is conveyed via devices connected over a network such as the Internet .

  8. 在管理控制台中验证修改的数据源与测试连接工具的连接性。

    Verify the connectivity of the modified data source with the test connection facility in the administrative console .

  9. 连接工具商店也通过不同的营销组合,通过客户的渗透和新的可能性的营销渠道,以高端客户。

    Tool store also connects marketing through the different assortments , through customer penetration and new possibilities in the marketing channel to end customers .

  10. 一旦创建了局部存储库,并且使用连接工具连接到一项任务,该业务条目通常就会于连接结合起来。

    Once local repositories are created and connected to a task using a connector tool , the business item is usually associated with the connection .

  11. 渔船上的渔民们同样也是通过移动数据连接工具,弄清到底去哪个港口停靠能卖个好价钱,抑或哪个港口出价更优厚?

    Fishermen are on boats , trying to figure out which port to go into using , again , mobile data connections to say , can I get a price over here , or a better price over there .

  12. 使用动态连接的工具,创建«userteam»和Author«userrole»之间的关系。

    Using the dynamic connection tool , create a connection between the « user_team » and the author « user_role » .

  13. 此连接线工具会自动在其连接的形状之间绘制连接线。

    This connector automatically routes between the shapes it connects .

  14. 第三章采用随机序及连接函数工具分析研究各个单生命之间存在的相依性及异质性对多生命状态保单保费的影响。

    In chapter three , we investigate the effects of dependencies and heterogeneity among the single lives on the premiums of multi-life status policies using stochastic orders and copulas .

  15. 本文采用随机序及连接函数工具分析研究相依及异质风险对保险公司寿险保单组合和多生命状态保单保费的影响。

    In the thesis , we analysis the effects of dependent and heterogeneous individual risks on the premiums of life-insurance policies portfolios and multi-life status policies using stochastic orders and copulas .

  16. 不幸的是,在现今可用的大多数建模工具中,代码生成模式一般是硬连接到工具中的,并且提供对要生成的目标代码的定制的非常有限的支持。

    Unfortunately , in most modeling tools available today , code generation patterns are typically hard-wired into the tool , providing very limited support for customizing the target code to be generated .

  17. 在这种情况下,DB2UDB服务器上的调度程序需要连接到工具目录数据库,以便检索运行任务需要的信息。

    In this case , the scheduler on the DB2 UDB server needs to connect to the tools catalog database in order to retrieve any required information about the tasks to be run .

  18. 连接函数工具将多个随机变量的联合分布与它们各自的边际分布联系了起来,主要用来描述变量间的相依关系,关于这方面的详尽论述可见[Nelsen(1999)]。

    A copula which is a function that links univariate margins to the multivariate distribution perfectly describes the dependent stucture among multivariate random variables , see [ Nelsen ( 1999 ) ] for detail .

  19. 在IBM-PC机上以D-Ⅲ与BASIC的连接为语言工具,成功地开发了本系统。

    Linking up DBASE - ⅲ with BASIC in IBM-PC computer this system has been successfully developed .

  20. ProcessAdvisor提供了连接Eclipse桌面工具的各种不同类型的过程指南。

    The Process Advisor offers a wide array of different type of process guidance linkage with the Eclipse desktop tool .

  21. 你可以使用和传统MySQL数据库连接的交互工具来以同样的方式控制它。

    It is possible to interact with the database using the same tools used to interact with traditional MySQL database setups .

  22. 在调用db2move命令之前,并不需要数据库连接;该工具会为您建立数据库连接。

    A database connection is not required prior to invoking the db2move command ; the utility does that for you .

  23. 目前,Tableau的主要任务是改进产品(一款新版软件,其中将包括用于渲染可视化效果的引擎),建立更多连接其可视化工具的接口。

    For now , tableau is focused on improving its product ( a new , upcoming version of the software will include a revamped engine for rendering visualizations ) and building out more connectors to its visualization tools .

  24. 发动机螺栓连接及拧紧工具应用技术

    Bolt Joint for Engine & Apply Technology for Screw Tool

  25. 在排除故障部分中并没有明确说明如何连接这些专用工具。

    Express reference has not been made to connecting the special tools in the troubleshooting section .

  26. 产生此结果的应用程序部署在应用服务器上,并使用了数据库连接的共享工具。

    The resulting application is deployed on an application server and uses a shared pool of database connections .

  27. 最后,通过压缩数据来优化通信,因此可以通过非宽带连接使用这个工具。

    Finally , communications are optimized by compressing data , so you can use the tool even without a broadband connection .

  28. 通过建立设备和设备连接线的工具类,提供所见即所得绘图接口。通过此系统,可以方便快捷的绘制一种工艺流程图。

    Through the establishment of equipment tool class and connect line tools class , a WYSIWYG drawing interface program is constructed .

  29. 到远程计算机的连接被管理工具中断。另一个用户可能登录到此远程计算机。

    Your connection to the remote computer was broken by an administration tool . Another user may have logged in to the remote computer .

  30. 数据集成系统的实质是一个消息处理器,可以把它划分为中间件的范畴,由消息网关、数据中心管理系统、数据同步工具和连接状态监控工具4部分组成。

    It is composed of four parts : message gateway , data center management system , data synchronization tool and connection status monitor tool .