- 网络image description;Image Descriptor

A novel moving object tracking algorithm based on local image descriptor is presented . The tracking task is accomplished by locating the target in the search space of the local image descriptor which is created by the key points of image .
The Application of Hu Moment in Image Description about Intravenous Needles for Single Use
Compared with other orthogonal moments , Chebyshev-Fourier moments have better performance in image description and robustness .
In this paper , we introduce the standard MPEG-7 and scheme firstly , and then we introduce the technology of image contents ' description based on MPEG-7 , lastly we present a method and example about image contents ' description based on MPEG-7 .
Image annotation and retrieval system based on common sense lib
A Fast Non-destructive Algorithm for Image Description Based on Improved Wavelet Moment Features
Classification of Air Targets Using Image Description Technique Based on a Non-Coherent Radar
Study on description and coding of human face image based on active appearance model
Fourthly , we describe this kind of style through some typical form images ;
Image Description with Jacobi - Fourier Moments
Moreover , these new moment invariants are robust and perform well in image description .
Using the image description technique , a new approach to the problem of classifying air targets based on a non-coherent radar is proposed .
In the proposed image content description model , image contents are analyzed and extracted in different levels , reaching at omnidirectional image content description .
Later studies indicated that the orthogonal moments have the best overall performance in terms of noise sensitivity , information redundancy , and capability of image description .
A method of image processing was developed to describe the radiotherapy treatment planning , and the back-projection reconstruction method was used to program the radiotherapy treatment planning .
In this image description model , image contents could be analyzed and represented through different levels and the transition from low-level features to high-level semantics is thus achieved .
In this paper , a novel system for content-based image retrieval is designed and created , which combines image semantics based on a multi-level model for image description .
An image representation method based on arbitrary shaped regions is proposed in this paper , and the motion estimation of the image sequence is executed according to this representation .
Finally , a fingerprint image description method based on finger code is provided and realized , and this paper discusses some application of this method in fingerprint recognition field .
The result of experiment proved that Radial-Harmonic-Fourier Moments have a good ability for image description , even very little amount of independent Radial-Harmonic-Fourier Moments can reconstruct the original image .
In this thesis , we propose a new structure named Mixed Graph Structure ( MGS ) to describe and represent an image and use this structure to perform image matching .
Because the traditional image representation method based on BOW ( bag-of-words ) model ignores the spatial information , this thesis adds it by applying the contextual features and spatial pyramid image representation .
The establishment of an effective image description and retrieval mechanism based on various embedded platforms has become an urgent problem to solve . As a result , the technology of Content-based image retrieval was brought to light .
The images obtained by the camera can describe the environment in a two-dimension plane , providing kinds of information of objects such as color , texture , geometry , etc ; The ladar provides the distance information between the robot and objects .
The affinity formula of the training image 's immune primitives was presented by statistical analysis , which bears an analogy with the lowest amino acids combinative energy according to the biological immune antibody coding principle , to achieve the finite dimension object image features ' optimize combination .
The image description is represented in XML .
New method of multiple description coding for image based on compressed sensing
A semantic description model of lung cancer chromatic images based on Bayesian learning
One of sandstone is taken as example to illustrate the quantitative description of the geotechnical CT image based on these techniques .
PurposeThe cerebral function and metabolism are described by SPECT imaging and the cerebral anatomic structure information is obtained by CT .