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  • 网络ancient civilization;Ikariam
  1. 玉器、食器及其它&绚丽璀灿的远古文明之花

    Jadeware , Utensils for food and so on-the Dazzling Flower of Ancient Civilization

  2. 东北史前玉器承载的中华远古文明因素,直接为后来夏商周三代之际中华国家文明形成奠定了坚实的基础。

    The factor of Chinese ancient civilization born by the prehistoric jade ornament of Northeastern China has directly laid a solid foundation for the formation of Chinese civilization during the dynasties of Xia , Shan , and Zhou .

  3. 远古文明相信新鲜的空气和阳光有治病的功效。

    Ancient civilizations believed in the curative powers of fresh air and sunlight .

  4. 人们在饮食文化的品尝中领略和寄托了中华民族的远古文明。

    The people in the diet culture tasted understands and has reposed Chinese nation 's ancient times civilization .

  5. 然而至今尚存的远古文明已经不多,礼物经济也不是一种标准。

    There are few primitive cultures left on the planet , and gift economies are not the norm .

  6. 从彝文古籍记载看中华远古文明的老根子

    Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language

  7. 基于本体的历史年代知识元在古籍数字化中的应用&以《三国志》历史年代知识元的抽取、存储和表示为例从彝文古籍记载看中华远古文明的老根子

    Historical Knowledge Element Applied in the Digitalization of Ancient Books Based on the Ontology Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language

  8. 要深层次研究内涵八千至万年前中华远古文明老根子的彝文古籍,实现彝文古籍现代信息处理,需要建立一套超方言通用古彝文计算机字库。

    In order to further the research work on the Yi historical texts which were parts of ancient Chinese civilization , and actualize information processing of them , a general hyperdialectic Yi computer font needs to be created .

  9. 商族是华夏文明的重要奠基者之一,在中国远古文明史上占有特殊的重要地位,因此,探讨先商文化的渊源及其殷先公的迁徙对于研究中国远古文明起源具有十分重要的意义。

    Shang Dynasty was one of the founding stones of Chinese culture and played a very important role in ancient Chinese civilization , so the investigation of its origin and the change of place of Yin ancestors is of great significance .

  10. 远程教育:一种失落了的远古生态文明&史前期人类远程教育活动状况的文化生态学考察和研究

    Distance Education : A Kind of Lost Ancient Ecological Culture

  11. 宁夏史前远古人类文明的序幕

    The Prologue to the Civilization of Ancient People in Ningxia

  12. 寻访远古的文明&埃及行

    A travel to Egypt

  13. 室外主题公园项目是以远古亚特兰蒂斯文明水上项目结合陆地游玩项目为主的体验式主题公园。

    It 's an experiential theme park which combination of water sports with far Atlantis civilization and land-based game play .

  14. 运河,来自远古的文明仪式,充斥着宗教、历史、现实的责任感与使命感。

    Canal , bearing the spirit from primitive civilization rite , overflowed with religion , history , realistic sense of duty and mission sense .

  15. 文学与音乐,一直伴随着人类从远古进入高度的文明社会。

    Literature and music has accompanied people entering the modern society from high antiquity .

  16. 国外城市农业史的阐述则以工业革命为时间节点来展开,论述了远古时期以及工业文明时期的城市农业存在状况,尤其是对危机时期的西方国家城市农业的发展做了详细论述。

    The elaboration of foreign urban agriculture history launches with the Industrial Revolution as the time node , discussed the existence condition of urban agriculture in ancient times and industrial civilization period , especially elaborated western city agriculture development in crisis period in detail .

  17. 略论《史记》对远古传说的采用从彝文古籍记载看中华远古文明的老根子

    On Adoption of Remote Past Folklore in Shi Ji Searching for the origin of the Ancient Chinese Civilization According to the Record in the Ancient Books in Yi Language

  18. 随坡而上,站到古城上还可看到远古人生活过的遗止,远古的时候这里应是三边是水的一个地方,在这里也可以使你想到远古失落的文明!

    With the slope and , at the ancient city of the ancient people may have lived to see the left only , ancient time here is a trilateral water , here you can think of the loss of ancient civilization !