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  1. 闽越文化即春秋战国至汉武帝时期闽越人创造的文化。

    Minyue culture is the culture formed by the people in Minyue from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han Dynasty .

  2. 蛇王节·闽越文化·稻作习俗&浅谈闽北樟湖的蛇王节

    The Snake King Festival , the Culture of Fujian and East Zhejiang , and the Paddy Cultivation Customs & Discussions about the Snake King Festival in Zhangzhou of North Fujian

  3. 传入福建后,烙上闽越巫觋文化特征,以功利为指归,融合了儒释道的思想,成为三教并祀的民间信仰。

    After spread into Fujian , branded with Min-Yue sorcery culture , took utility as the goal , and fused Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism , it became a folk belief to offer sacrifices by the three religions .

  4. 闽越与南越考古学文化的比较研究

    A making Comparison Study Between Min Yue and South Yue Archaeological Culture