
  • 网络remote desktop protocol;rdp;RDP Remote Desktop Protocol;Microsoft RDP
  1. 采用这个密码套件的远程桌面协议握手过程能够避免中间人攻击。

    The handshake of RDP that adopts this ciphersuite can avoid man-in-middle attacks .

  2. 为了满足这些需要,微软设计开发了远程桌面协议(简称RDP)。

    To satisfy these needs , Microsoft defined Remote Desktop Protocol ( RDP ) .

  3. X也是商业用户肯拥抱免费的GNU/Linux的主因,它等同于其他操作系统上的远程桌面协议的复杂度和代价的层次性。

    X is something business can embrace in GNU / Linux that costs nothing and is equivalent to many layers of complexity and cost with RDP on that other OS .

  4. 微软公司开发的远程桌面协议RDP(RemoteDesktopProtocol)就是基于NC环境应用而推出的尚未开放的商业保密通信协议。

    Furthermore , the RDP ( Remote Desktop Protocol ) explored by the Microsoft corporation is introduced , which is based on NC environment , but unopened source as a business secret .

  5. 另外,在性能相同的情况下,增加ECC密钥长度,可以提高安全性。2、利用ECC扩展后的SSL协议对RDP远程桌面协议的安全性进行改进。

    Under the same performance , increasing the ECC key length can improve security . ( 2 ) Using SSL protocol extended by ECC to improve the security of Remote Desktop Protocol .

  6. 而且因为我们描述的是自动化测试执行系统,而不是手动系统,所以参与者仅需建立与正运行的实例的直接远程桌面协议(RDP)会话。

    ( And since we 're describing an automated test execution system instead of a manual one , participants rarely need to establish a direct remote desktop protocol ( RDP ) session with running instances . )

  7. 我曾经有个设想就是-在数据中心建立一台极快速的工作站,设计人员通过远程桌面协议来访问它。

    I had a vision where we could have a smoking fast workstation sitting in a data center that we could get to via various remote desktop protocols .

  8. 研究了软件在通信时密钥协商存在的安全漏洞,分析了中间人攻击远程桌面协议的原理和过程,提出了一种基于码分多址原理的安全密钥协商模型。

    Based on researching the danger of the software communication and analyzing the man-in-the-middle attack to the remote desktop protocol , a model of security key agreement model using Code Division Multiple Access ( CDMA ) technique was proposed . 5 .

  9. 在远程监控软件的开发过程中,本人设计了远程桌面控制协议,它使得客户端能够对远程服务器端的桌面进行完全的共享和监控。

    In the remote desktop control system developing process , I designed a remote desktop control protocol , which enable the client to monition and share the recourse of the remote desktop control system completely .