
  1. 离恨恰如春草,更行更远还生。

    Lihen Just as Spring Grass , more lines farther still life .

  2. 人们就在冰上举行盛会,还生起篝火烤羊吃。

    People had parties and cooked sheep over fires on the ice .

  3. 不过别发展太快,你手还生着咧。

    But don 't go too fast . You 're out of practice .

  4. 怎么你还生我的气

    What ? Are you still mad at me ?

  5. 卡什还生了尼姆罗德,尼姆罗德是世上第一个力大无穷的人。

    Cush also begot Nimrod who was the first man of might on earth .

  6. 瞧,你还生我的气吗?

    See , you still mad at me ?

  7. 她怀孕了还生下了一个小孩。

    She got pregnant and had a baby .

  8. 而且还生了,很多很多孩子

    to having lots and lots of children ,

  9. 别告诉我们,你还生了个小孩。

    Didrt tell us you had a child .

  10. 我不敢相信,在你做了那些事之后,你还生我的气。

    I cannot believe , after everything you did , you 're mad at me .

  11. 而这个年轻骡夫的头上还生着疮疖。

    On the other hand , this young driver had ugly sores on his head .

  12. 有时候我还生你的气呢!

    I am angry with you sometimes !

  13. 她还生你的气吗?

    Is she still sore at you ?

  14. 你还生我气吗

    Are you still angry with me ?

  15. 我是怕冷的,今天还生着炭盆。

    I 'm afraid of the cold . I even had the charcoal brazier on today .

  16. 嘿你还生我气吗当然还气�

    Hey . Are you mad at me ? Of course l 'm still mad at you .

  17. 但貌似没人对那些还生存在世上的物种有所关心--它们都还真正地活着。

    and no one seems to be paying attention to all the species that are actually living ;

  18. 她还生着病时就回去上班了,最后昏倒了。

    She went back to work while she was still sick , and finally she just passed out .

  19. 笔者基于对审美意识形态理论的理解,还生发出一些新的思考。

    On the base of my understanding to the Aesthetic and Ideology , I have some new ideas .

  20. 她还生过一个六叔,但是六叔只活到五岁就生病死了。

    She had given birth to a son , but he died of illness at the age of five .

  21. 一次险死还生的经历给了他们俩一种离奇的能力:和灵魂对话,特别是幽魂。

    One near undeath experience left them both with as uncanny ability to speak with spirits , particularly wights .

  22. 你竟然还生我的气该生气的是我吧你毁了妈妈的�

    You 're pissed at me ? I should be angry at you . You ruined mom 's purse .

  23. 结果113例中,当场死亡55例,还生58例,其中在医院救治中死亡1例。

    Results Among the 113 cases , 55 died on the spot and 58 survived ( 1 died in hospital ) .

  24. 她以为仓鼠长胖了,结果竟然是怀孕了还生了很多小崽。

    She thought it was getting fat . But it turned out to be pregnant and had a lot of babies .

  25. 他曾经与该片中扮演他妻子的女演员米雪·威廉姆斯订婚,两人还生有一个女儿,但是最近几个月他们分开了。

    Engaged at one time to Brokeback co-star Michelle Williams , the two had a daughter but had split in recent months .

  26. 你不仅嫁了个反叛者。还生了一个。我生的可不仅仅是个反叛者。看样子你忘了这个事实。

    You married one rebel and mothered another . I mothered more than just rebels , a fact you seem to have forgotten .

  27. 这是瑞茜与丈夫吉姆·托斯的第一个孩子,她和前夫瑞安·菲利普还生有一儿一女。

    It 's the actress 's first child with husband Jim Toth , she already has a son and daughter with ex Ryan Phillippe .

  28. 这位前超级模特这一年非常忙碌。在《午夜巴黎》里玩票一把,还生了她与萨科奇的第一个孩子。

    The former supermodel had a busy year , making a cameo in Midnight in Paris and giving birth to her first child with Nicolas Sarkozy .

  29. 研究发现的多生多育和清秀长相之间的这一关系可以用来解释好莱坞美女明星安吉丽娜·朱莉的母性本能,朱莉领养了三个小孩,自己还生了三个。

    The discovery of a link between broodiness and delicate looks could explain the maternal instincts of Hollywood beauty Angelina Jolie , who has adopted three children and had three of her own .

  30. 有些患者携带艾滋病毒后,本人并不知晓,在高危性行为下,病毒又不幸传给了第二个人,甚至还生下艾滋宝宝。

    Some patients with HIV , I do not know , in high-risk sexual behavior , the virus also , unfortunately , to a second person , and even gave birth to baby HIV .