
  1. 乙:您走的还不够远。

    B : you just haven 't walked far enough yet .

  2. 但改革走的还不够远(见本期)。

    But reforms have not gone far enough ( see our ) .

  3. 好了她飞得很远但是飞得还不够远

    All right.She got far , but not far enough .

  4. 是的回到车里去你认为我们把他拖得还不够远吗?

    Yes , get back in the truck . You think we didn 't drag him far enough ?

  5. 旁白:尼克松认为自己走得还不够远,于是他在一个周末带上自己的顶级经济顾问们到戴维营开会。

    NARRATOR : Nixon decided he hadn 't gone far enough , so he took his top economic advisors off to Camp David for a working weekend .

  6. 父亲曾告诉我他想把贸易航线扩展到苏门答腊和婆罗洲,但我认为他的眼光放的还不够远,为什么不去中国呢?

    My father told me he wanted to expand his trade routes to Sumatra and Borneo . But I don 't not think he was looking far enough . Why not go all the way to China ?

  7. 对翻译标准的研究还远远不够,远不能满足目前翻译实践和翻译批评的需要。

    As a matter of fact , the research into this topic is far from being adequate to meet the need of today 's translation practice and criticism .