
  • 网络Or a good friend;Still friends;We Are Still Good Friends
  1. 无论是作为从业者还是好朋友,我都很理解和支持她的想法,相信她经过系统学习后一定能成为一名优秀的市场营销人员。

    As a practitioner or a good friend , I understand and support her idea and believe that she will be excellent marketing personnel after systematic learning .

  2. 不管在此间所发生的一切,他们还是好朋友。

    Despite everything that had happened in the interim , they had remained good friends .

  3. 我们还是好朋友,不是吗?

    And we 're still good friends , aren 't we ?

  4. 事情过后,双方依然还是好朋友。

    Later , the two sides still remain good friends .

  5. 我和玛丽亚是同班同学,而且还是好朋友。

    Maria and I are classmates , and we are good friends too .

  6. 我们现在也还是好朋友。

    I 'm still very good friends with him .

  7. 他们有时会意见不合,但他们还是好朋友。

    They don 't agree with each other sometimes , but they are good friends .

  8. 我去年还听说,你们还是好朋友兼同事。

    Last I heard , you were still good friends . I think you even work together .

  9. 我明白了。我和玛丽还是好朋友。她说的有道理。我就应该听她的。

    I understand : Jane and I are still good friends ; I should take heed of what she has to say .

  10. 两人的好友表示两者之间并未出现小三,他们俩还是好朋友,只是各奔前程了。

    Pals of the pair insisted there was no third party involved and they were still good friends . A source said yesterday : It just ran its course .

  11. 不论是兄弟姐妹还是好朋友的父母,你应该找一个善于理财的人,然后向他讨教。

    It could be your brother , your sister , or even your best friends parents , but you should find someone who you think handles money well , and ask them how they do it .

  12. 我答应你再也不会打扰你的生活,我答应你再也不会为你多喝一杯酒,我答应你从今以后我们都还是好朋友,你怎么说我怎么做?

    I promise you will not disturb your life , I promise you that you will never drink a glass of wine , I promise you that from now on we are still good friends , how can you say how do I do ?

  13. 不过,她本人将注意力过多放在考虑该翻译装置可携带性的相关技术细节之上,后来还是她的好朋友黄爽提醒她可以尝试发明可佩带的装置。

    However , she was too focused on technical details to consider the portability of an interpretation device . It was her close friend Huang Shuang who contributed the idea of creating something wearable .

  14. 现在,我们还是很好的朋友。

    We are still really good friends today .

  15. 那么你现在还是我的好朋友,对不对?

    So , you 're still my little bro , right ?

  16. 因为,你们永远还是我的好朋友。

    Because you will always be my good friend .

  17. 我非常爱他,因为他不仅是我的爸爸,还是我的好朋友。

    I like him very much , because he is not only my father , but also my good friend .

  18. 一和某些人聊几句,我就知道他究竟是利益关系的朋友还是真正的好朋友。

    Sometimes both my friend and I know something clearly , but we will not talk about it in front of each other .

  19. 而且在候选人中,有好几位厨师还是我的好朋友,因此我并不是很在意票数的多少。

    I didn 't say I must win , nor did I care how many votes I can get , since several contenders are my good friends .

  20. 接下来给大家放一段我在暑假看过的广告我保证这个广告绝对是真的鹦鹉不仅漂亮赏心悦目而且还是人类的好朋友

    This is an infomercial I saw over the summer , I 'm promising you , this is real , the Parakeet , so beautiful , great to look at , and what a wonderful companion .

  21. 我还是很喜欢当我们还是好朋友时的感觉。

    I still like the feeling I stay with you , when we are good friends .