
  • 网络operational planning;Operational Plans;business plan
  1. 为解决这些问题必须从建立公共交通的技术保障体系入手,合理布置公交线网,科学制定公交运营计划,保障公共交通的可持续运行。

    To solve these problems , we must establish the technical support system of public transport firstly , assign public transport line network reasonably , institute public transport operational plans scientifically and ensure the sustainable operation of public transport .

  2. 通过如何实施业务重组、预算和运营计划、人力资源系统和组织协调从而把平衡记分卡绩效评价系统变为具体的行动。

    Then explain how to implement business restructuring , budget and operational plans , human resources systems and organization and coordination into the Balanced Scorecard performance evaluation system in order to put the balanced scorecard into specific actions of each employee .

  3. 通用首席执行官韩德胜(fritzhenderson)表示:“如今的目标不是得以幸存,而是制定一项能使我们成功的运营计划。”

    Fritz Henderson , chief executive , said : " the objective here is not to survive . The objective is to develop an operating plan that allows us to win . "

  4. 石油化工企业生产运营计划的优化研究

    A Study of Production and Operation Planning Optimization in Petrochemical Enterprise

  5. 动车组交路计划是客运专线的基本运营计划之一。

    EMU routing scheme is one of the basic operation plans of dedicated passenger railways .

  6. 私营保险公司强烈反对这个政府运营计划,他们说这将会迫使他们退出医疗保健市场。

    Private insurance companies strongly oppose a government-run program , saying it could force them out of the health care coverage market .

  7. 这只核心团队须对其资产实施各种至关重要的预防性和修复性维护,以满足日常运营计划的需求。

    This core staff will perform all preventive and corrective maintenance on those assets that are critical to meeting the demands of the daily operating schedule .

  8. 考虑到一般的供应链应急管理只强调在突发事件后通过实时地改变企业运营计划,但这往往具有很大的不可预测性。

    Considering the fact that general supply chain emergency management in the incident emphasizes the real-time change of enterprise operating plan . It often has great unpredictability .

  9. 他补充说,最近发生的事件对其客户的运营计划造成了影响,为客户和客户的乘客带来了不便,对此他深感遗憾。

    He added that Boeing deeply regretted the impact that recent events had had on its customers ' operating schedules and the inconvenience to them and their passengers .

  10. 本文从运营计划和动态调度两方面开展,建立实现轨道交通与常规公交运营组织协调的动、静态模型。

    In this thesis , static and dynamic coordination models on operation of Urban Rail and Bus System have been proposed from the perspective of operation schedule and real-time dispatching .

  11. 分析了两个中心的职能定位和主要的业务关系,提出建设中应重点解决网络客流分布的分析预警技术、网络运营计划的协调优化技术和突发事件的应急处置技术等关键技术问题。

    This paper analyzes the main functions and business relations of the two centers and points out some key technical problems which require resolution in the process of the centers'construction .

  12. 在制定运营计划的时候,还应该确保一些“弹性”,即市场需求、宏观经济环境和融资条件发生变化的时候,应该要有能力增加或削减开支。

    Also make sure that you have some " flex " in your projections , with an ability to expand and contract spending based upon market demand , macroeconomic environment and financing conditions .

  13. 最重要的是,必须事先修订运营计划以满足当前的市场需求以及了解各种措施所产生后果,这样就可以最大限度地减少成本和破坏性的意外事件。

    Most important , an updated operation plan being set to satisfy the current market , and the consequences of taking various actions are known ahead of time , minimizing cost and disruptive surprises .

  14. 而事实上,以上问题的产生,究其深层原因是未将全面预算管理与企业可持续发展战略规划紧密联系,未结合企业的发展战略目标切实落实企业运营计划而导致的。

    As a matter of fact , its deep-seated reason is comprehensive budget management is not closely linked with enterprise sustainable development strategic planning , not combined with the development of the enterprise strategic target .

  15. 本研究方案涵盖了生产基础数据管理,销售和运营计划,物料需求计划和库存管理等紧密联系的四个方面,为M公司的运营管理改善提出了建议方案。

    The research covers four aspects of operation management of M : master data management , sales and operation planning , material requirement planning and inventory management , finally a proposal is suggested against the improvement of corporate operation management .

  16. 事实上,预算不准等问题只是表面现象,其深层的原因是没有将预算管理与企业战略规划联系起来,没有落实企业的战略目标以及运营计划。

    In fact ," the budget allowed " wait for a problem is only the superficial phenomenon , its deep-seated reason is not the budget management and enterprise strategic planning link , did not fulfill the strategic goal of the enterprise and operation plan .

  17. 多家移动运营商计划在其网络上封杀广告,此举或引发它们与谷歌(Google)、美国在线(AOL)和雅虎(Yahoo)等数字媒体公司之间的大战。

    Several mobile operators plan to block advertising on their networks , setting the stage for a battle with digital media companies such as Google , AOL and Yahoo .

  18. 这个方案广受欢迎,但对网飞公司来说,随着成本日益上涨,它并不是个可持续运营的计划。

    Many liked the offer but with increasing costs it wasn 't a sustainable proposition for Netflix .

  19. 今天对外公告同时包括:退出土耳其测试运营的计划,以及重组中国的百思买品牌的测试运营。

    Today 's announcement includes plans to exit its test operations in Turkey and restructure Best Buy branded store testing activities in China .

  20. 她还说,本田正在积极推进其增城工厂第三条生产线在2014年投入运营的计划。增城位于广州附近。

    The company is pushing ahead with plans to put a third production line at its factory in Zengcheng , outside Guangzhou , into operation in 2014 , she said .

  21. 该运营商还计划在2019年进行5G规模的建设和预商业化。

    It also plans to carry out 5G scale building and pre-commercialization in 2019 .

  22. 我们现在处于这样一这样我们发展个阶段:运营商开始计划并且在他们的网络中部署部分的运营开始计划IMS,但是大规模的部署恐要花费许多年。

    We are right now in the phase where operators begin planning and deploying segments of IMS in their networks , but large segment network entiti-scale deployments may take many years to come .

  23. 运营商目前计划用HSDPA来升级,它能够在下载时提供更高的速率,却依然不能解决上传速率低的问题。

    Operators are currently planning to deploy the HSDPA upgrade , which will provide higher data rates in the downlink , but this will still leave the uplink too slow .

  24. 中国移动作为中国最大的电信运营商,计划2011年在国内六大城市部署3060个TDD-LTE基站。LTE-Advanced下行链路采用OFDM调制方式,信号具有很高的峰均比。

    As the largest telecom operator in China , China Mobile has the plan to deploy 3060 TDD-LTE base stations in six major cities of the country in 2011.LTE-Advanced downlink adopts OFDM modulation , and in that way the signal is provided with high PAPR .

  25. 公司指出,重组计划不会影响江苏五星的业务运营及扩张计划。

    The company noted that these restructuring activities do not impact its Five Star business operations and growth plans .

  26. 正常运营之前,计划对维护和行车人员进行入场动员和培训。

    The maintenance and operations staff are scheduled to begin mobilization and training in advance of the start of revenue service .

  27. 日本第二大便利店运营商罗森计划五年内将其在华便利店数量增加至1万家。

    Lawson , the second-largest Japanese convenience store operator , aims to increase its presence in China to 10,000 stores within five years .

  28. 奥巴马曾支持这种“公共选择”,即政府运营的保险计划与私人保险计划同台竞争,但他没有坚持这种选择。

    Mr Obama supported the " public option " a government-run scheme to compete alongside private insurance plans but did not insist on it .

  29. 该系统从2007年开始在卡纳西线运营,并计划从明年起在7号线上运营。

    The system started operating on the Canarsie line in 2007 and is due to go into operation on the 7 train next year .

  30. 在最近的一个案例中,西门子放弃了自己投标沙特阿拉伯一铁路线建设与运营合同的计划,转而加入由中国企业牵头的一个银团中。

    In a recent case , Siemens dropped its own bid to build and operate a line in Saudi Arabia so it could join a Chinese-led consortium .