
  1. 学术型硕士研究生教育在世界研究生教育发展史上,发展较早,影响也较大。

    Academic graduate education advanced earlier so that it has a greater influence in the history of the graduate education in the world .

  2. 随着学术型硕士研究生教育和专业型硕士研究生教育的共同发展,我国的研究生教育体系将日臻完善。

    With the development of both academic graduate education and professional graduate education , the graduate education system of our country is improving .

  3. 然而随着国家产业格局的转变,对应用型的高端技术管理人才的需求逐渐增大,现有的学术型硕士研究生并不能很好的满足这一需求。

    However , with the national industrial structure changes , the applied high-end technology increases the demand for management talent , academic existing graduate and can not be well positioned to meet this need .

  4. 然而,目前的硕士毕业生中普遍存在难以就业的现象,表现为学术型培养模式培养出来学术型硕士缺乏科研能力,应用型培养模式培养出来的专业硕士缺乏实践技能。

    But , there exists a phenomenon nowadays that mater degree graduates are difficult to obtain suitable employment : academic master from academic training model lacks of scientific research ability , professional master from professional training model lacks of practical skills .