
  • 网络Operating system;running system;runtime system;ACVO
  1. 汇编语言依赖于他们的运行系统,以提供有关源代码。

    Compiled languages rely on their runtime system to provide information about the source code .

  2. 本文针对运行系统的动态更新问题,展开了相关的研究工作。

    With regard to dynamic updating of the runtime system , in this thesis we do some associated work .

  3. 系统主要内容包括三大部分:组态开发系统、运行系统和Web发布系统。

    And the system includes three main contents : configuration development system , running system and Web publishing system .

  4. 软PLC虚拟机的运行系统完成解释执行中间码的功能。

    Theexecuting system of the soft PLC virtual machine explains and executes the Middle Code .

  5. 离散傅里叶(DFT)算法是电网实时运行系统中进行相量测量的基本算法。

    Discrete fourier transform ( DFT ) is the basic method for measuring the phasor of power system in real-time .

  6. 基于GIS的湖南省国土资源信息系统是一个数据来源于遥感综合调查并可动态更新的运行系统。

    The GIS based information system of land resources in Hunan province is an operable system in which data are derived from remote sensing integrated survey and can be updated dynamically .

  7. 此外,利用模块化设计与软件重构技术,将工作站DNC系统移植成可以独立运行系统。

    Furthermore , replanting the DNC system to self-determination system by the modularization designing and software restructure technology .

  8. 本文研究了高速公路车流运行系统的仿真所需的车辆到达模型和车辆运行模型,对车辆运行模型中的跟驶模型作了推导,并利用VISUALBASIC语言实现了高速公路车流运行的动态实时模拟。

    This paper researches the vehicles arrival and circulation mode needed in system simulation in vehicles circulation in freeway , deduces the flowing mode of the vehicles , and achieves the dynamic and real time simulation of freeway vehicles flow by using visual Basic language .

  9. 第十五章WIA建筑能耗测量与优化运行系统

    Chapter 15 : WIA Building Energy Consumption Measurement & Optimization System

  10. 文中简要分析了电网运行系统现状,介绍了决策支持系统和Agent技术,提出了基于多Agent的电网运行决策支持系统体系结构,并对其结构、功能和决策过程进行了较为详细的阐述。

    This paper analyzes status of the power system , introduces decision support system and Agent technology , presents a multi Agent architecture of decision support system for the power operation system , and describes its structure , functions and decision making process in detail .

  11. 主要介绍Mini-Expert系统的专家模型语法,如何设计一个专家横型,如何运行系统以及如何把EXPERT模型转换成Mini-Expert形式等问题。

    In present paper , we report on model syntax , suggestions for design , running Mini-Expert and how to convert EXPERT models to Mini-Expert format .

  12. 小型水轮发电机组优化运行系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of the Optimizing Run System for Small Hydraulic Generators

  13. 浅谈炼油化工生产运行系统的现状与进展

    Emphasis on present status and development of manufacture execution system in refinery petrochemical enterprises

  14. 地热对井运行系统中回灌井堵塞原因浅析及预防措施

    Causes and prevention measures of clogging in the reinjection well of a geothermal double-well system

  15. 化工过程运行系统的集成

    Integration of chemical process operation systems

  16. 现场运行系统是为航空公司地面现场运行部门设计的适用于组织、监控现场生产的信息系统。

    Field operating system is a MIS that provides help for field producing management in Aviation Company .

  17. 20世纪90年代中期,我们建立了国家资源环境动态信息服务运行系统。

    In the mid-1990s , we established the national operative dynamic information systems on natural resources and environment .

  18. 励磁系统是同步电动机运行系统的重要组成部分,直接影响电机的运行特性。

    Excitation system is an important part of synchronous motor running system , it affects the operating characteristics of motor directly .

  19. 交直流混合运行系统中,电压崩溃和控制引发的电压振荡都会造成逆变器永久换相失败。

    Voltage collapse and control-induced voltage oscillations existing in combined form in ac / dc system can lead to persistent CFs .

  20. 铁路运输是一种重要的交通运输方式,列车运行系统是铁路运输的核心。

    Railway transportation is a kind of important transportation mode , the train operation system is the core of railway transportation .

  21. 并对1998年长江流域的特大洪涝灾害进行了监测试验,取得了较好的效果。该方法将逐步完善,并用于农情监测运行系统。

    A monitoring test was carried out on the super flood hazard of the Changjiang River region in 1998 with a preferable result .

  22. 它不仅改变了资源配置模式,也在改变着会计的结构,影响着整个会计运行系统。

    It has changed not only the resource distribution mode but also the accounting structure , which influenced the whole accounting operating system .

  23. 考试制度的改革是高校教学改革的重要内容,也是建立教与学激励机制运行系统的重要因素。

    The reform of examination system is the important content of the reform of higher learning and is the important factor to construct learning and teaching incentive mechanism .

  24. 详细描述了该方法的算法设计和程序实现,并对其在实际运行系统中的实施效率进行了分析。

    The algorithm design and program implement of the method were described in detail , and the implement efficiency of the method in practical running system was analyzed .

  25. 在市场经济较发达的国家,货币政策已经不是中央银行对货币供应过程的一种简单操控,而是一个完整的货币政策运行系统。

    In developed market economies , the monetary policy is not only a simple manipulative process of money supply by central banks , but an all-round policy operational system .

  26. 其实在运行系统时我们更需要思考的是在这样(或类似)的网络协作学习平台上,该怎样进行教学设计,指导学生以协作的方式进行学习。

    When this system is running , we need to think how to make instructional designs and guide students to learn in collaborative way in this ( similar ) web-based collaborative learning platform .

  27. 有碍生理健康。较大限度地消除消极影响,要在政府的行政干预机制、社会的系统教化机制、媒介的自律机制的合力下,在整个社会运行系统中达成。

    The goal of eliminating the nagative effects can only be obtained in the social functional system through the administration mechanism of government , the civilization mechanism of community , and the self-discipline mechanism of media .

  28. 地铁牵引供电及杂散电流监测防护模型的设计:由于地铁运行系统的复杂性,如何模拟出与实际贴近的仿真系统,真正做到能成为提高地铁杂散电流防治水平的辅助设计工具。

    The design of the model , should take into account the complexity of the operation of subway , and become the practical aided-design method by which we can really improve the control of stray current . c.

  29. 接着本文从实际出发,通过大量的调查,找到江西省经管类本科生创新能力培养过程中培养方案、学术环境及激励机制三大子运行系统存在的问题。

    Secondly , through the massive practice investigations , the essay points out the current main problems in the sub-mechanisms of training programs , academic environment and mechanism of incentive of innovative talent training undergraduate education in Jiangxi .

  30. 通过对钟罩标准装置运行系统参数变化对检测结果误差影响的分析,纠正了采用传统的标定理论和方法标定智能型罗茨气体流量计过程中存在的附加误差问题。

    The additive error caused by the traditional calibration theory which was used to calibrate the intelligent Roots gas flowmeter were corrected via analyzing the influence of system parameter variation of Bell-jar standard facility on the measurement result error .