- 网络overtrade;Overtrading;over-trading;over traded

These neophyte speculators overtrade .
For example , men tend to overtrade their investment accounts , causing them to underperform women .
Investors ' irrational behavior performance of the GEM IPO underpricing mainly include the speculative and excessive trading , over-reaction and reaction , and herd behavior .
Different industries are affected by the same policy differently .
Different industries are affected by same market factor differently .
Do Investors Trade too Much ? Evidence From China 's Stock Markets
Agency-problem in Fund Management Company Governance : In View of Excessive Trading
There is scale effect , without time effect of turnover rate in Chinese stock market .
Smith was familiar with rampant speculation , or " overtrading " as he politely called it .
Dr Coates says financial institutions could do something to reduce the excesses of testosterone-fuelled trading without taking such extreme action .
When the profits of trade happen to be greater than ordinary , Smith said , overtrading becomes a general error .
To different industries , each industry 's overtrading degree is affected by the overtrading data of its last ten weeks .
It is hard to see how trust can be sustained in an environment characterised by increasingly hyperactive trading , and it has not been .
Finally the paper draws the following conclusions : The overtrading degree is related to industrial factor , and the overtrading degree of different industry is different .
Most analysts and investors have attributed the gyrations to an overdue reversal of stretched and crowded trades , with the turmoil exacerbated by a dearth of liquidity in bond market trading .
In Europe and other developed countries , Shadow banks carried out innovative and excessive trading , accumulating giant risks , the risk continued to expanse , which eventually led to cross-border systemic risk .
One simple idea allows an over - trading folly to turn into a speculative disaster whether it involves ocean commerce , land in Louisiana , stocks , bonds , tulip bulbs or home mortgages .
As for the investing behavior of Chinese investors , empirical results show that anomalies of investing behavior such as excessive trading , disposition effect and herd behavior not only exist , but more seriously .
This is likely to destroy value partly because it leads to excessive trading , which is expensive , and partly because , as the small print says , past performance is no guarantee of future results .
Both the trading activity of limited memory and overconfidence may cause the overreaction phenomenon of the assets short-term price .
The existing excessive noise deal in the China 's stocks market is mainly due to the defects in the system .
This thesis uses experimental research to examine the level of individual investor trading volume and empirical research to the level of overconfidence on market .
Thinking about that over 80 % of the merger failures , the reason is - the current research of the value assessment put excess attention on the bargain price of the merger , but neglected to overall value assessment .
My guide , Maykel Carillo , saidlocals used to stay out of the water because it was once infested with bull sharks.By the 1980s , overfishing and a shark fin trade wiped-out the population , butsome say a few still lurk under the surface .
Traders also tend to over-optimize their trading systems .
Trading Volume When Investors are Overconfident
The investors in asset markets are not fully rational , they are ordinary people , have cognitive and behavioral bias , they are prone to overconfidence and thus cause to over traded ;
The financial system expanded excessively , the margin trading and investment trusts is popular , the Fed was weak , installment and mortgage loans were in serious default risk , all this led to the outbreak of the banking crisis .
In an interview Tuesday , Mr. Ballmer said the public shouldn 't read too much into what the deal means for Mr. Elop 's future , but acknowledged his longtime associate has gone from being an external candidate to an internal candidate .