
  1. 其赔偿原则包括全部赔偿原则、过失相抵原则的、损益相抵原则和权衡利益原则。

    Compensation principles include the principle of full compensation 、 the principle of fault offset 、 the principle of the profit and loss offset and the principle of weight interests .

  2. 第三,在赔偿制度上,明确了赔偿原则即全部赔偿、便民高效、损益相抵、过失相抵原则,赔偿的标准。

    Third , the compensation system , defined the principle of compensation is the total compensation , convenient and efficient , profit and loss balance , fault offset principle , the standard of compensation .

  3. 道路交通事故损害赔偿应遵循保险公司优先赔偿、全部赔偿、财产赔偿、过失相抵等原则。

    Road traffic accident damages should follow the priority insurance companies for compensation , all compensation , property compensation , such as the principle of fault offset .

  4. 关于对科学活动中不端行为监督的讨论过失相抵的基本原则为强者负担更多损失原则,保护儿童、老人等弱者原则。

    DISCUSSION ON SCIENTIFIC MISCONDUCT The basic practices of misconduct offset are that the relatively stronger part bears more responsibility to protect children and senior citizens .

  5. 作为一种侵权行为,医疗侵权造成患者损害的,应以全部赔偿为原则,辅之以过失相抵规则和衡平原则。

    As one kind of abuse of authority , the medical right infringement creates the patient to harm , should take the completely compensation as the principle , auxiliary by contributory negligence rule and balance principle .