
  • 网络Overreaction Theory
  1. 证券市场过度反应理论研究评介

    An Overview of Overreaction Theory in Security Market

  2. 行为金融理论有四个重要分支:期望理论、反应过度和反应不足理论、噪声交易理论及固锚理论。

    The behavioural financial theory contains four main branches : expected theory , over-reaction and weak-reaction theory , noise-trade theory and fixed-anchor theory ;

  3. 这部分是对创业板过度反应实证研究提供理论支持的。

    The theory lays foundations for the empirical research of overreaction in the GEM .

  4. 本文关于创业板过度反应的研究内容可以分为两个部分,一是过度反应理论介绍,包括过度反应产生的原因、过程和具体表现。

    The first part describes the theory of overreaction which includes the reasons , the process and the concrete performances of overreaction .