
  • 网络risk bearing;risk loading
  1. 买卖合同风险负担的一般理论与实践应用

    The Theory of Risk Bearing in Buy-Sell Contract and Its Application

  2. 路货买卖的风险负担;

    The risk bearing of the trade on goods in transit ;

  3. 我国双务合同中标的物风险负担

    Risk burden of the object in double business contract in China

  4. 在此基础之上,对当事人违约的风险负担加以研讨。

    On this basis , risk burden of default will be studied .

  5. 论货物买卖合同的风险负担

    On Risk - bearing in Contract for Sale of Goods

  6. 风险负担问题是合同法中的重要问题。

    Risk bearing is the important content in Contract Law .

  7. 风险负担规则主要适用于买卖合同。

    The principle of taking risk mainly applies to the contract of sale .

  8. 本文将以此为目的,对当事人违约的风险负担进行探讨和研究。

    For this purpose , this paper will explore and discuss the issue .

  9. 履约中的风险负担&以交付为视角

    On Burden Regulation of Risk & from the Consignment

  10. 买卖合同中风险负担制度研究

    The Study on the System of Risk Bear in Sell - buy Contract

  11. 本章主要从基本理论出发,介绍国内买卖合同中的风险负担问题以及理论界的争议。

    This chapter introduces the problems and disputes of risk burden in domestic contract .

  12. 论因伪造和变造票据而错误付款的风险负担

    Analysis of the Risk of the Payment of Note that is Fabricated and Faked

  13. 违约之际风险负担的处理涉及到这两项制度的协调与配合的复杂关系。

    Disposal of risk-assuming after breached contract is related to coordination of the two systems .

  14. 违约责任与风险负担

    Liability for Breach and Risk - assuming

  15. 论合同标的物的风险负担

    The Risk of Contract Object Burden

  16. 目前关于风险负担问题的理论主流是交付主义原则。

    Handing over principle is the theory mainstream of the question of bearing risk at present .

  17. 在风险负担机制上,究竟是采取交付主义还是所有权主义,众说纷纭。

    The burden mechanism in risk is whether to take delivery socialist or ownership socialist , twittering .

  18. 风险负担的主要问题是风险何时从出卖人转由买受人承担。

    The main issue of the risk bearing is when the risk is transferred from sellers to buyers .

  19. 比较主要集中在几个方面:(1)货物涉及到运输时的风险负担;

    Several aspects are taken into account : ( 1 ) The risk bearing when the trade involves transport ;

  20. 典权的风险负担需要根据本国实际情况在立法上加以规定。

    Allocation of risk on the pawnage right shall be stipulated by statute in accordance with the real situations .

  21. 在当事人违约的情况下,不同的违约行为产生不同的法律效果,进而对风险负担产生不同的影响。

    Different breaching acts produce different law results , then , there will be different effects to risk burden .

  22. 货物买卖中,风险负担是一个十分重要的问题,有学者甚至指出:买卖合同法的主要目的,就是把基于合同关系所生的各种损失的风险在当事人之间进行分配。

    On Financial Risk Risk is the main problem in the contract law , especially in the contract of merchandise .

  23. 全文内容共分为四部分:第一部分,违约责任与风险负担的基本问题。

    This paper consists of four sections : Section One , fundamental problems on liability for default and risk burden .

  24. 风险负担问题关系到当事人的根本利益,因此,明确当事人违约情况下的风险负担,是非常必要的。

    Risk burden involves the fundamental interests of parties , so it is very necessary to clear risk burden for default .

  25. 从理论意义出发,买卖合同风险负担问题一直是买卖合同法中核心问题之一。

    Starting from the theoretical significance , the sale contract risk burden has been one of the core issues of law .

  26. 笔者认为,对买卖合同标的物的风险负担规则应引入风险与利益一致性原则。

    So the writer thinks that we should adopt the " risk and benefits consistency " principle on the rule of risk-taking .

  27. 因此,有必要对买卖合同标的物的风险负担进行深入研究。

    Therefore , it is necessary to the subject matter of the contract for the sale of risk burden further research and study .

  28. 在这样的大环境下,解决好风险负担轻重与业务发展水平的关系就尤为重要。

    Under great environment such a , settle risk well to be burden weight relation with development level of the business particularly important .

  29. 关于风险负担,对交付标准和物主承担风险应进行反思和完善。

    As to risk bearing , the standard of delivery and the risk born by owner of materials should be reviewed and perfected .

  30. 履约中的风险负担问题应当以交付为核心,根据不同情况予以相应规定。

    The regulation of the risk-bearing in performance should be different according tO different situations , when the consignment should be the core .