
  • 网络damocles
  1. 一位法国高官表示,该方案得到了布鲁塞尔欧盟委员会(europeancommission)和其他几个欧元区国家的支持,是一条“取下违约的达摩克利斯之剑”、同时对希腊保持改革压力的途径。

    A senior French official said the plan , which has backing from the European Commission in Brussels as well as several other eurozone countries , was a way of " removing the Damocles sword of default " while keeping pressure on Athens to reform .

  2. 现在这些债务就像达摩克利斯之剑一样悬在人们头上。

    These bills now hang over people like the Sword of Damocles .

  3. 拉丁美洲的债务,犹如达摩克利斯剑一样威胁着美国诸银行(孝瑟M.施莱辛格)

    The Latin American debt , overhanging American banks like the sword of Damocles ( Arthur M. Schlesinger , Jr. )

  4. 对于像律师这样的聪明人来说,绕开职业陷阱也并非易事,伪证这个悬在头顶上的达摩克利斯之剑让转轨时期的中国律师行业面临两难

    Perjury , the Sword of Damocles , put China 's lawyers in a dilemma

  5. 和平问题、发展问题、环境问题、人口问题等等犹如达摩克利斯利剑悬在世人眼前。

    The question of peace , development , environment , human and so on , like a sharp sword before people .

  6. 达摩克利斯是希腊神话中叙拉古暴君迪奥尼修斯的宠信,常说帝王多福。

    Amounting to Makelisi is the appraise in Greek mythology pulls ancient oppressor diaonixiusi 's specially trust , often say imperial much happiness .

  7. 评级下调威胁就如同达摩克利斯之剑悬在成员国的头顶,意在引起相关国家的注意。

    The threat , hanging like the sword of Damocles over the head of the members , was meant to get their attention .

  8. 悬在俄罗斯经济上方的达摩克利斯之剑是,政府的3850亿美元(约合2.4万亿元人民币)储备金是否会在油价回升之前枯竭。

    The Damoclean sword hanging over the economy is whether $ 385 billion in government reserves will run dry before oil prices rise .

  9. 作为人类社会面临的最大威胁,核战争犹如达摩克利斯之剑始终悬于地球之上。

    As the most serious threat in the human society , nuclear war is just like a Damocles Sword always hanging above the earth .

  10. 从此核战争犹如悬挂在人类头上的达摩克利斯剑,成为人类所面临的最大威胁。

    From then on , nuclear warfare like a Damocles-sword which is hanging over people 's heads and become the most serious threat to people .

  11. 为什么需要促进学习的课堂评价结果处理?学生学业成就评价的魔力,就像悬挂在学校、教师、学生和家长头上的达摩克利斯之剑。

    The magic of the assessment of student academic achievement makes the assessment become the sword of Damocles to schools , teachers , students and parents .

  12. 这是悬在我们头上的达摩克利斯之剑,面对商用飞机方面的唯一竞争对手(波音),这是一大障碍。

    It is a sword of Damocles hanging over our heads and it is a fantastic handicap against our only competitor [ Boeing ] in commercial aircraft .

  13. 然而,白视频分享网站诞生以来,就一直面临版权问题的困扰,版权问题成为伴随其发展的达摩克利斯之剑。

    However , video-sharing websites are faced with copyright problems since the inception . The copyright issues have become " Sword of Damocles " to the websites developments .

  14. 今天,和平与发展已经成为时代主题,但世界仍很不太平,战争的达摩克利斯之剑依然悬在人类头上。

    Today , peace and development have become the prevailing trend , but the world is far from tranquil . War is the sword of Damocles that still hangs over mankind .

  15. 当前我国经济利益关系失衡,不仅是生产力提升和经济发展的阻碍,而且是一柄威胁着社会和谐稳定的达摩克利斯之剑。

    The current imbalance of economic interests in China , is not only the obstacle to economic development , but also is " the sword of Damocles ", as a treatment to social harmony and stability .

  16. 刑法第306条是对刑事辩护权的限制和对律师职业的歧视,它被形象地称为悬在辩护律师头上的一把达摩克利斯之剑。

    Article 306 of criminal law indicates restrictions of the right to criminal defense and discriminations to the defense so that it has been likened to the Damocles Sword which threatens to the defending lawyers at any moment .

  17. 而刑法第306条规定的“辩护人、诉讼代理人帮助伪造证据罪”更是悬在律师头上的“达摩克利斯之剑”。

    In addition , the 306 item of " crime arising from the vindicator , lawsuits agent 's participation in fraudulence of evidences " defined in the state 's criminal law has become the " sword of Damocles " over the head of lawyer .