
huā píng
  • vase;flower vase
花瓶 [huā píng]
  • [vase] 蓄水养花的瓶

花瓶[huā píng]
  1. 他一推门,花瓶应时摔碎了。

    No sooner had he pushed the door open than the flower vase broke on the ground .

  2. 他故意打破花瓶以示愤怒。

    He break the flower vase deliberately to express his anger .

  3. 他们临摹那些希腊花瓶上的图案。

    They copied the designs from those on Greek vases .

  4. 打碎的花瓶在地上成了一堆碎片。

    The shattered vase lay in fragments on the floor .

  5. 这只花瓶是一对中的一只。

    The vase is one of a matching pair .

  6. 我小心地把花瓶放回基座上。

    I replaced the vase carefully on its pedestal .

  7. 她把水从花瓶里倒了出来。

    She emptied the water out of the vase .

  8. 你可以把那个玻璃杯当作花瓶用。

    You can use that glass as a vase .

  9. 花瓶碎片散落在地上。

    The vase lay in pieces on the floor .

  10. 他失手把花瓶掉到地板上摔碎了。

    He dropped the vase and it shattered into pieces on the floor .

  11. 我擦灰尘时将花瓶打碎了。

    I broke the vase while I was dusting .

  12. 这些花瓶被视为希腊艺术的最佳典范。

    These vases are held to be the finest examples of Greek art .

  13. 那些花瓶据估计每个价值都超过2万元。

    The vases are believed to be worth over $ 20 000 each .

  14. 诸位愿给这个花瓶出多少钱?

    What am I bid for this vase ?

  15. 这个花瓶保存得完好无损。

    This vase has been preserved intact .

  16. 我找到了一只花瓶,和我打碎的那个一模一样。

    I 've found a vase that is an exact match of the one I broke .

  17. 壁炉台上是一对明代的青铜花瓶。

    On the mantelpiece are a pair of bronze Ming vases .

  18. 她用钥匙打开了箱子,小心翼翼地拿出那只花瓶。

    She unlocked the case and carefully lifted out the vase .

  19. 那时候,电视中的女性大多都被看作花瓶。

    Back then , women on TV were mostly seen as eye candy

  20. 泛白凋零的玫瑰从蓝色的花瓶里耷拉下来。

    Pale wilting roses drooped from a blue vase .

  21. 她失手将花瓶摔得粉碎。

    She dropped the vase and smashed it to smithereens

  22. 希拉里用花瓶打了他。

    Hillary clobbered him with a vase .

  23. 人们的家里一定有很多不起眼的花瓶、碗或瓶子。

    There must be many vases , bowls or bottles sitting unrecognised in people 's homes

  24. 下面的壁炉架上陈列的是一批17世纪的郁金香花瓶。

    Beneath this , on the mantelshelf , is displayed a collection of seventeenth-century tulip vases .

  25. 我从饭桌上的花瓶里抽了一只新鲜的玫瑰,闻了闻。

    I took a fresh rose out of the vase on our table , and smelled it .

  26. 我见过制陶工人捏塑、烧制碗碟花瓶,并在上面涂绘各种宗教图案。

    I have watched the potters mold , fire and paint their bowls , plates and vases with sacred designs .

  27. 她把那个贵重的花瓶弄坏了一点儿。

    She had a slight mishap with the expensive vase .

  28. 两个价值超过10万英镑的花瓶从展会上被盗走了。

    Two vases valued at over 100,000 were stolen from the exhibition .

  29. 他在当地的手工艺品集市上买了这个花瓶。

    He bought the vase at the local craft fair .

  30. 尽管工艺粗糙,这款花瓶销量很好。

    In spite of its crude workmanship , this type of vase sells well .