
  • 网络radiated power;radiant power;EIRP;Trp;RF Power
  1. 高辐射功率的光束会有高的发散度。

    A beam of high radiant power will have high divergence .

  2. 背景辐射功率对星载激光高度计信噪比的影响研究载波的调频噪声电平

    Influence of background radiant power on the signal-to-noise ratio of space-borne laser altimeter

  3. Z-箍缩X射线辐射功率闪烁探测系统

    Scintillant Detection System for Z - pinch X-ray Radiation Power

  4. Z箍缩等离子体内爆X光辐射功率角分布

    Azimuthal X-ray power distribution in Z-pinch plasma implosions

  5. 引起激光辐射功率漂移的因素比较复杂,本文采用了两级稳定控制系统来逐级抑制YAG激光器辐射功率的涨落。

    Two stages of stable controlling systems are utilized to inhibit the YAG laser power fluctuation .

  6. 关于辐射功率的Lorentz不变性与温度的Lorentz变换

    On Lorentz Transformation of Radiated Power and Lorentz Transformation for Temperature

  7. 辐射功率、样品厚度和样品的安装方式对纯PC的燃烧行为都有影响。

    The burning behavior of PC is affected by many factors such as incident heat flux , sample thickness and sample mounting and so on .

  8. 非对称Abel逆变换研究及其在等离子体辐射功率分析中的应用

    Asymmetrical Abel inversion study and application to plasma radiation power analysis

  9. 它允许在单个高功率微波源的基础上将有效辐射功率提高n倍甚至几十倍,对高功率微波技术的发展具有深远的意义。

    It can enhance efficient radiation power to n times or more over based on the single high power microwave oscillator , so it 's meaningful to the development of HPM .

  10. 研究了激光的辐射功率密度对LIBS信号强度的影响。

    Influence of laser power density on atomic emission intensity is investigated .

  11. 研制的Z-箍缩X射线辐射功率探测系统,利用闪烁体与X射线作用产生的荧光,在X射线入射45°方向进行探测。

    A scintillant detection system for the Z-pinch X-ray radiation power is ( developed ) . The fluorescent light was measured at 45 ° direction while scintillator was interacted with X-ray .

  12. 计算结果表明压铸BMC气门室罩在主要频率区间比用铸铝气门室罩声辐射功率低,有降噪作用。

    Calculation indicates that the noise from engine valve cover at main frequency range is reduced when using BMC .

  13. 随着微波辐射功率增大和处理时间增长,上清液总有机碳(TOC)含量持续上升。

    With the increase of microwave radiation power and the contact time , the values of total organic carbon ( TOC ) in the supernatant increased .

  14. 经封装后初步测试结果表明,有光子晶体结构的比没有光子晶体结构的LED器件在光通量、光效率以及光辐射功率等方面最高分别提高了22.3%、36.65%、14.23%。

    After chip packages , the initial test results indicated that PC-LEDs had clearly improvement than that without PC structures in the flux , light efficiency and light radiation with the highest increases by 22.3 % , 36.65 % , 14.23 % respectively .

  15. 与用于OFDM多载波系统调制的矩形滤波器相比,这种新的滤波器可以使系统有效抵抗频率选择性衰落及移动接收时带来的多普勒扩展效应,并可以有效降低OFDM系统的带外辐射功率。

    Compared with the rectangular filters of the OFDM Multi-Carrier Systems , the filter we design can efficiently provide protection against frequency dispersion caused by Doppler spread . The out-of-band emission in wireless OFDM can also be reduced .

  16. 最后以本文设计的Ka波段横电磁波小室组成的毫米波辐照系统为实验平台,对水稻种子分三批次,进行了不同辐射功率和辐射时间的辐照实验来研究毫米波生物非热效应。

    Finally , we do an experiment with the millimeter wave radiation experiment platform which consists of the GTEM Cell designed in the thesis to research the biological non-thermal effect of the rice seeds .

  17. 采用经钨带灯标准光源标定的多道石英光纤光学系统,测量了HL-1装置等离子体可见光波段轫致辐射功率的径向分布。

    Using a multichannel quartz optical-fiber system calibrated with a standard tungsten strip lamp , the radial profiles of the visible bremsstrahlung radiation power in the HL-1 tokamak were measured .

  18. 喷气能降低删削层(SOL)处等离子体温度,注入的杂质增加了SOL处的辐射功率,使靶板的负载降低。

    Puffing gas can reduce the plasma temperature in the scrape off layer ( SOL ) . Injected impurity can increase the radiation power in SOL . Both of them make the heat load on the plate target smaller .

  19. 天线在人头部的潜在危险影响是用1W辐射功率在人组织产生的比吸收率(SAR)来评估。

    The potential hazards posed by the antennas on the human head have also been addressed by examining the specific absorption rate ( SAR ) in the human tissue for 1 W of power radiated .

  20. 对于两个耦合的长Josephson结,我们的研究表明,混沌使结的辐射功率趋于极大值,并进而算出了最大的辐射功率,它远远超出了超辐射理论的预言值。

    For two coupled long Josephson junctions , we calculate the maximal emitted power which exceeded prediction value of the superradiation theory largely . Our investigations displayed that it is chaos to lead the radiation to the maximal value .

  21. 然而,由满足能量局域条件的第二类能量动量膺张量导出的结果都不能保证辐射功率恒正,且与Bondi的结论不符。

    However , the result derived from the second kind of energy-momentum pseudo-tensor cannot guarantee that the radiated power is always positive and it doesnot coincide with Bondi 's conclusion .

  22. IFR-PP在低辐射功率下比在高辐射功率下更容易形成致密、均匀的炭层。

    The formed char for IFR-PP materials tend to be denser and more uniform at lower incident heat flux than higher incident heat flux .

  23. 在不同太阳辐射功率、不同热电模块数量情况下,实验测得温差发电器的输出功率,在太阳辐射功率880W/m2时,可输出功率约10W。

    Measured output power of thermoelectric power generation at different Solar radiation power , different number of thermoelectric module . Output power is about 10W when Solar radiation power is 880 W / m2 .

  24. 实验中选择微波辐射功率、微波辐射时间、热分解温度和时间为因素,通过L(16)(4~4)四因素四水平的正交实验,确定了最佳合成条件,并研究各因素对产物的影响。

    The influence of such factors as power , time of microwave irradiation , the decomposing temperature and time was discussed in detail . The optimal experiment condition was determined by those orthogonal experiments .

  25. 100K低温下,InSb在磁场强度为0.2T左右达到饱和后的辐射功率,比室温下没有磁场作用时要增强至少两个数量级、甚至更多。

    The saturation radiation power from the InSb surface under a 0.2 T magnetic field at 100 K is at least two orders of magnitude higher than that without a magnetic field at room temperature .

  26. 根据联邦通信委员会关于超宽带辐射功率谱的限制以及适用于多址方式的窄脉冲要求,设计了一组基于Hermite函数的超宽带脉冲波形。

    According to the constraint of the power spectral emission of Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) mask and the requirement of short pulse for multiple access , the paper presents the design of a class of pulses based on Hermite functions for UWB communications .

  27. 研究表明,微波辅助加热可以有效地提高反应效率,反应中的微波辐射功率以500~700W为宜;

    The result indicated that reaction efficient could be improved with the use of microwave in the heating process . The optimum microwave power was 500 ~ 700 W.

  28. 在此基础上设计、制作了内径13mm放电管,测量了185254nm的绝对辐射功率。

    Based on these results , a new discharge lamp with 13 mm inner diameter is designed and manufactured , for which the absolute radiation powers of 185 and 254 nm are measured .

  29. 结果得到微波辅助萃取虫草菌粉的最佳工艺条件为:10倍溶剂比,8目颗粒度,辐射功率800W,辐射时间6min。

    The optimum condition was obtained which was 10:1 as the proportion of liquid to solid , 800W as microwave power , 8 mesh as the grinding degree and 6 min as the radiation time .

  30. 最佳提取条件为:微波辐射功率中火,微波辐射时间6min,浸提固液比1∶40。

    The most suitable conditions for the extraction were as follows : the power of microwave was in middle radiation and the time was six min , and the solid-liquid leaching ratio was 1:40 .