
fú shè yuán
  • radiation source;source of radiation;radiant
  1. 智能化雷达辐射源识别方法研究

    Study of Intelligent Radar Radiant Identification

  2. 论文以地理信息系统(GIS,GeographicInformationsystem)为基础,设计了电磁辐射源信息系统。

    The electromagnetic radiant point information system designed in this thesis is based on GIS ( Geographic Information System ) .

  3. 医用诊断X射线辐射源不确定度评定

    Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Source Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement

  4. 医用诊断X射线辐射源比对试验方案及评价

    Comparison Test of Medical Diagnostical X Ray Radiation Source

  5. 强激光产生的等离子体x射线辐射源

    Character of x-ray source of plasma produced by laser

  6. 半导体型剂量计检定医用诊断X射线辐射源的不确定度分析

    The Uncertainty Analysis of Medical Diagnostic X-ray Radiation Sources Based on the Semiconductor-dosimeter

  7. 高活度低能X,γ辐射源发射能谱的测定

    The Determination of Radiative Spectrum of Low-Energy X ,γ Radiant Source with High Activity

  8. 利用GPS外辐射源的无源雷达系统

    Introduction of Non-Source Radar Based on GPS

  9. 基于外辐射源的机载无源SAR成像算法

    Airborne passive SAR imaging algorithm based on external illuminator

  10. 讨论了辐射源的几何参数&R、f、H的范围。

    The ranges of the geometric parameters R 、 f 、 H were discussed for the radiation source .

  11. 它是一个不规则的快速变化的X射线辐射源,每秒钟闪烁100次。

    It is a highly variable and irregular source with X-ray emission that flickers in a hundredth of a second burst .

  12. 本文对基于GPS外辐射源的无源雷达定位与跟踪技术进行了研究。

    In this dissertation , passive positioning and tracking technology based on GPS external illuminator in multi-static radar system was studied .

  13. 便利、普遍使用的辐射源信号是FM广播信号和电视广播信号。

    The convenient and common used illuminator is FM signal or television broadcast signal .

  14. 氢气扩散火焰中辐射源项湍流脉动特征的PDF模拟

    PDF Simulation of Fluctuating Behavior of Radiative Source Term in Hydrogent Turbulent Jet Diffusion Flame

  15. 多分量LFM雷达辐射源信号的经验模式分解

    EMD for Multi-component LFM Radar Emitter Signals

  16. 如何寻找最优的核函数参数是SVC算法对辐射源信号进行准确识别的关键之一。

    How to find the optimal kernel parameter value is the key to identify emitter signal accurately .

  17. 基于外辐射源的ESPRIT超分辨成像算法

    ESPRIT Super-Resolution Imaging Algorithm Based on External Illuminators

  18. 利用经过降维后的信号双谱特征向量来训练SVM分类器,构建了通信辐射源识别分类器。

    After the dimension reduction , the signal bispectrum features vector is used to train SVM classifier and the transmitter fingerprint identification classifier is constructed .

  19. 基于运动辐射源TOA和DOA测量的主从站无源定位与跟踪

    Passive Locating and Tracking for Moving Emitters by Principal and Subordinate Stations Based on TOA and DOA Measurement

  20. 因此,如何获得稳定、可调谐的THz辐射源成为THz研究中的关键内容。

    Therefore , how to get stable , tunable THz radiation becomes a key content of the study of THz wave .

  21. 指出选择点源间距时,仅按垂直入射情况选择的间距不能完全保证辐射源的安全,应该考虑ARM斜入射的情况。

    It is pointed out that the distance chosen according to vertical incidence cannot assure the safety of radar and the oblique incidence should be considered when choosing the distance of radiation sources .

  22. 该方法在灰关联识别的过程中,引入DS证据理论,通过对信号的积累和对信任度的重新分配,对识别结果进行了有效的融合,提高了辐射源的正确识别率。

    By redistributing the subordinate function of observation samples , this approach is effective in fusing the recognition results and improving the probability of accurate recognition .

  23. 实现固定单站对运动辐射源无源定位,传统的方法是测量TOA和DOA。

    To realize passive location and tracking for moving emitters with a single non-moving observer , TOA and DOA measurements are utilized traditionally .

  24. 提出了基于灰关联分析与D-S证据理论的多传感器雷达辐射源识别方法。

    A method based on the combination of Grey Association Analysis and D-S Theory for radar target identification of multisensor information fusion is put forward .

  25. 从用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)测量室内高温气体的红外发射光谱出发,对气体辐射源的几何参数进行了优化设计。

    Starting from the infrared emission spectra of the indoor high-temperature gas measured by Fourier-transform infra-red ( FTIR ) spectrometer , the geometric parameters of the gas radiation source were optimized .

  26. 然后提出了一种基于Matlab软件平台的PC机组网准实时信号处理系统,并以此系统为依托,通过外场试验对外辐射源雷达测向算法进行了验证。

    Then , a network of PCs quasi-real time processing system based on Matlab software platform is proposed . Depending on this system , direction find arithmetics in external illuminator radar are verified by real data through outfield experiments .

  27. THz激光是一种具有很多独特优点的新型辐射源,THz科学技术是一个非常重要的多学科交叉的前沿领域,在国民经济发展和国防等方面具有重要意义。

    THz laser is a new source of radiation with many unique advantages , employing a new interdisciplinary technology which has great significance to national security and economic development .

  28. 研究了紫外线(Ultravioletray,UV)为辐射源,处理从受精卵到心脏搏动期分别处于5个不同发育时期的金鱼胚胎。

    Goldfish embryos at five different developmental stages , from fertilized eggs to heart beating stage , were irradiated by UV rays , and hatching rate , darkly pigmented eye rate and abnormal embryo rate of the irradiated embryos were investigated .

  29. 方法:应用模拟HPM和EMP武器的辐射源,辐射猴、犬、兔和离体细胞,采用多种技术手段,对眼辐射损伤进行长期、动态的研究。

    Methods : The simulated HPM and EMP weapon device was used . Monkeys , dogs , rabbits , cultured cells were all irradiated for a long-term and dynamic study .

  30. 本文在考虑相互作用区内电子束和激光束横向发散的前提下,推导了激光同步辐射源X射线通量的计算公式,讨论了激光束和电子束束腰尺寸对X射线通量和谱通量的影响。

    The equation of X-ray flux was deduced with the transverse divergence of electron and laser beams in the interaction area being taken into account . The relationship between the size of electron and laser beams and both X-ray flux and spectra flux was analyzed .