- convergence

Meridional transport is favorable to moisture convergence over South China between 200N and 300N .
Analysis of Unusual Situation of Africa Tropical Convergence Zone to Latitude 30 Degrees West
The region of heavy snow-storm has a good relation with Q divergence center or line .
Q vector divergence field submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .
The results are as follows : the convergence field of wet Q-vector divergence tilts northwards with height ;
This model basically simulates horizontal structure of the wind of ISO with convergence in lower air and divergence in upper air .
The zero line of the whole year latent heat convergence runs roughly along 32 & 34 ° N. The distribution of latent heat sinks and sources coincides well with that of precipitation in China .
The convergence of the southwesterly to the north of 30 ° N along the northwest of the WPSA strengthens the local ascending motion , which provides a large-scale background favorable for the torrential rain .
Tropical depression would easily develop into tropical storm when OLR low center embedded in ITCZ .
The strong positive helicity and the intensive convergence of Q vectors at the low level in the raining area indicate that there was superposition of mesoscale and synoptic-scale ascending motions .
The favorable environment condition of developing MCS is formed in instability of high energy and high wet , heavy vertical wind shear ;
The QV VCF corresponding to precipitation lies basically in front of a trough and in the middle or rear of a cyclone , which can act as a reference tool to operational job .
The rainstorm forming is closely related to the mesoscale convergence system in surface stream field and meso - β - scale convective system in satellite cloud picture .
When WENDY connected with westerly system , good environment of higher level divergence and lower level convergence strengthened the development of convective cloud .
Influence of interaction between the shift of warm pool and that of equatorial convergence zones on atmospheric surface winds fields during 1982 / 1983 ENSO
Q vector divergence field on vertical section plane along NE-SW direction on Fujian coast submit piece form district of convergence and divergence , have reflected meso-scale character .
Based on the convergence field of wet Q-vector divergence , the intrinsic mechanism of Meiyu front heavy rain is discussed , and a new thinking for the forecast of Meiyu front heavy rain is given .
The convergence of Q-vectors and rainstorms are well homologous , the center of rainstorm caused by non-thermal depression situated in the convergence center of Q-vectors or south to southwestern of the convergence center of Q-vectors .
It is found that the negative area of the divergence and convergence zones of stream field of Ageostrophic Wet Q-vector at 850 hPa is correlated well to heavy rain area in the next 12 hours .
The weak convergence upward motion of the friction term is located in the eye , which behaves like Ekman pumping .
Analysis of causes as to why MCS propagates to the southwest of MCC indicates the propagation direction depends on the direction and velocity of the two convergences .
The Double ITCZ phenomenon in a coupled ocean - atmosphere general circulation model ( CGCM ) is studied in this paper and primary analyses of the phenomenon are given from ocean heat budget .
The conver gence stream field of the upper level jet stream and low level jet stream play an important part in the emergence and development of the MCC .
200 watt output power and 90 % coupling-transmission efficiency are obtained by using the quartz fiber cable with 2m length .
First there is the IntertropicalConvergence Zone ( ITCZ ) this is where the winds of both the Northernand Southern hemisphere converge and rise .
During different periods of Dan , there was great water vapor change as indicated by stream function , velocity potential and vapor budget , which showed the importance of water vapor in the development of typhoon Dan .
In lower layers , kinetic energy increases for LTC due to the convergence of kinetic energy flux that would compensate friction consuming partly .
In this paper , characteristics of the tropical general circulation during the strong ITCZ period of August and weak ITCZ period of July , 1985 are studied by using some kinds of monthly mean and pentad mean data over the tropical area between 90 ° - 180 ° E.
The analysis on the surface velocity advection divergence ( F ) shows that intense rain mass nearly accord with the severe center with F ≥ 0 , in other words , intense rain mass explodes in Xiangshui and its vicinities where convergence strengthens or intensively maintained .
The warm core occurs , the cyclone vorticity increases and the divergence alternates with height in the middle-level at the forming stage of MCC , and the levels of ascending motion are thick .