
fǔ zuǒ
  • assist a ruler in governing a country
辅佐 [fǔ zuǒ]
  • [assist a ruler in governing a country] 协助,多指政治上,如协助君主治理国家

辅佐[fǔ zuǒ]
  1. B淋巴细胞在T细胞丝裂原反应中的辅佐作用

    Accessory effect of human B lymphocytes in T cell mitogen responses

  2. 小鼠B淋巴细胞在conA反应中的辅佐作用

    Accessory effect of mouse B lymphocytes in Con-A response

  3. 引进日本数控剪板机、数控冲床、数控折完全,采用核算机收集治理及CAD辅佐设计。

    Japan to introduce NC cutting plate machine , CNC punch , NC % complete , the computer network management and use of CAD-aided design .

  4. 高聚金葡素辅佐化疗药物对卵巢上皮癌者外周血T细胞亚群及NK细胞活性的影响

    Effects of HASL plus chemotherapy on peripheral blood T cell subsets and NK cell activity in patients with ovarian epithelial carcinoma

  5. 为了辅佐您体味与教育相关的成本,I和II类进入有关条目在2011年的MBA学生的预算概述如下。

    To help you understand the costs associated with your education , the MBA student budget for the class entering in2011 for Terms I and II is outlined below .

  6. 扎克伯格还在一封邮件中补充道:安尼卡在Facebook还不到100名员工的时候就进入了公司,并一直辅佐Facebook朝着正确的方向运行。

    Adds Mr. Zuckerberg in an email : ' Anikka joined Facebook early on , when we had less than 100 employees , and were basically working out what kind of company we wanted to be .

  7. 目的探讨白细胞介素-12(IL-12)对日本血吸虫脂肪酸结合蛋白(Sj14FABP)DNA疫苗的辅佐作用。

    Objective To probe into the adjuvant effect of interleukin 12 ( IL 12 ) in the immunization of mice with Schistosoma japonicum fatty acid binding protein ( Sj14FABP ) DNA vaccine .

  8. 如今,博柏利正在考虑聘请一名高级经理来辅佐克里斯托弗•贝利(ChristopherBailey),自阿伦茨离开后,贝利一直既担任创意总监、又担任首席执行官。

    The company is now considering bringing in a senior manager to shore up Christopher Bailey , who has held both the top design position and the chief executive role since Ms Ahrendts " departure .

  9. 在她著名团队HausofGaga的辅佐下,她自己策划每一段视频、每张专辑以及每次巡回演唱会的每个细节与推出每张专辑的恰当时机。

    With her famous team , Haus of Gaga , she plans every detail of every video , every album , every tour and the timing of every record release .

  10. 泽勒是参加过1990年代“烟草战争”的老兵,辅佐当时的FDA局长戴维·凯斯勒(DavidKessler),后者曾甘冒大不韪将香烟称为“药物递送装置”(药物指的是尼古丁),并为此声称自己拥有监管权。

    Zeller is a veteran of the " tobacco wars " of the 1990s , working alongside then-F.D.A. Commissioner David Kessler , who had audaciously labeled cigarettes a " drug-delivery device " ( the drug being nicotine ) and had claimed regulatory authority .

  11. 亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔是发现家及航行术先驱。图为1930年月,他辅佐一个男孩在一架西科斯基S-38水陆两栖航行器的浮筒上保持平衡。

    Alexander Graham Bell , inventor and aviation pioneer , helps a boy balance on the pontoon of a Sikorsky S-38 amphibious aircraft in the1930s .

  12. 你也是这样辅佐先帝的吗?

    Did you help the late Emperor in this same way ?

  13. 结论:氨溴索对小儿肺炎具有辅佐治疗作用。

    Conclusion : Ambroxol has the assistive effect on infant pneumonia .

  14. 树突状细胞在混合淋巴细胞反应中辅佐功能的研究

    Assisted Functional Study in Dendritic Cell in Mixed Lymphocyte Reaction

  15. 沐舒坦辅佐治疗小儿支气管肺炎70例临床分析

    The Assistant Treatment Effect of M.S.T. to Children Bronchitis 70 Cases Analysis

  16. 辅佐你的丈夫,爱你的子民,保护你的国家。

    Assist your husband , love your people , protect your country .

  17. 镁剂辅佐治疗急性高血压性脑出血的疗效观察

    Effect of magnesium in patients with acute hypertensive intracerebral haemorrhage

  18. 太阳有意召集了一批久经沙场的老将辅佐、指引年轻球员。

    The Suns have intentionally surrounded their young players with seasoned vets .

  19. 复方甘草甜素辅佐治疗有机磷农药中毒

    Compound glycyrrhizin as an adjuvant treatment of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning

  20. 毫无疑问,外交人员出色地辅佐了我的工作。

    There is no doubt the Foreign Service served me with distinction .

  21. 肿瘤坏死因子辅佐骨肉瘤化疗的体外研究

    A vitro study of chemotherapy of osteosarcoma enhanced by tumor necrosis factor

  22. 他辅佐我们成立了一家新公司。

    He assisted us to establish a new company .

  23. 经常在英语方面辅佐我的阿谁女孩是英国人。

    The girl who often helps me with my English is from England .

  24. 马是对人类有辅佐的动物。

    The horse is an animal assistant to man .

  25. 甘草锌辅佐治疗小儿秋季腹泻的疗效观察

    Clinical Observations on Curative Effects of Licorzinc Particles in Adjuvant Treating Rotavirus Enteritis

  26. 克林霉素辅佐阿奇霉素治疗小儿支原体肺炎115例疗效观察

    Curative effect of clindamycin assisting azithromycin on 115 cases of infantile mycoplasmal pneumonia

  27. 一些风光美妙的处所,像公园,河干可以辅佐人们放松自己。

    Scenic places such as parks and rivers can also help people relax .

  28. 营养干预辅佐治疗老年脑卒中后遗症患者的疗效观察

    The role of nutritional intervention in neurological rehabilitation of the elderly stroke patients

  29. 尼克斯队已经鼓励他增加一位防守教练辅佐自己。

    The Knicks have encouraged him to increase a defensive coach to assist himself .

  30. 我来这里也只是为了好好辅佐他。

    I 'm only here to advise him .