
  • 网络complementary feeding;food supplement
  1. 了解目前农村婴儿辅食添加的状况及其影响因素。

    To study the situation of complementary feeding and its influencing factors in rural areas of China .

  2. 内蒙古0~2岁蒙汉族婴幼儿母亲关于儿童辅食添加的KAP调查分析

    KAP Survey of Complementary Feeding on Mongolian and Han Mothers With Infants Aged Between 0 and 2 Years

  3. 高频超声与三维CT诊断婴幼儿发育性髋关节发育不良的对照观察婴幼儿辅食添加对其生长发育的影响

    Control study of high-frequency ultrasound and three-dimensional computed tomography in diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip in infant

  4. 农村社区婴幼儿辅食添加健康讯息研究

    Study on health message of infants'food supplement in rural communities

  5. 蛋白质类辅食添加频率较低;

    The feeding frequency of complementary foods with high protein was low .

  6. 46个农村贫困县婴幼儿辅食添加现状

    Infant 's food complementary status in 46 poor rural areas

  7. 部分农村地区婴儿辅食添加状况调查

    Study of Complementary Feeding Practice in Rural Areas of China

  8. 辅食添加的质量有待提高。

    The quality of complementary foods needs to be improved .

  9. 社区健康教育对婴儿辅食添加的影响

    Effect of Health Education on Infant Supplementary Food Addition in the Community

  10. 婴幼儿生长发育与辅食添加的关系

    Relationship between growth of young children and complementary feeding

  11. 海南农村黎族婴儿辅食添加情况调查

    Survey of status of complementary food in Li ethnic infants in rural areas of Hainan Province

  12. 农村妇女婴幼儿辅食添加知识、态度、行为及其相关传播渠道研究

    Study on the Knowledge , Attitudes , Behaviors of Supplementary Food addition to Babies and relative Channels in Village Women

  13. 说明农村地区婴儿辅食添加不合理的问题十分突出。

    His demonstrates the significant problem associated with the improper use of complementary foods in infants in the rural areas .

  14. 中国较贫困地区0~2岁儿童辅食添加时间和种类对其生长发育的影响

    Influence of weaning foods adding time and its composition factors on physical status of preschool children in relatively poor areas in China

  15. 结论:①农村婴儿辅食添加存在较多问题,应加强营养指导;

    Conclusion : First , many problems still exist in the complementary feeding in rural infants , strengthen nutrition guidance should be strengthened to them ;

  16. 在0~3岁婴幼儿的养育中,辅食添加、预防接种以及日常的卫生保健中存在着不足与隐患。

    In the upbringing of 0-3 infant , there are hidden troubles and questions on the aspects of added foods , inoculation and daily hygiene .

  17. 研究农村社区婴幼儿辅食添加的健康教育现状,为制作适宜的健康教育材料提供依据。

    To study the status about health education of infants'food supplement in Xi'an suburb , and provide a basis for making the suitable health education material .

  18. 结论在社区健康教育中,利用各种传媒向孕妇、年轻父母及其家人普及喂养新观念,重点宣传辅食添加知识,转变不良喂养行为

    Conclusion Put the emphasis on spreading knowledge of complementary food in community health care and transmit the new ideas of feeding with all kinds of medium

  19. 目的调查农村社区婴幼儿辅食添加的健康教育现状,并对传播媒介及其信息进行行为诊断与分析。

    Objective we survey the educational condition of adding accesary foods to infants in rural community , and diagnose and analyze the spreading media as well as related information .

  20. 【结果】北川县项目乡5岁以下儿童低体重率比项目实施前有明显下降,儿童辅食添加情况有所改善;

    【 Results 】 The rate of low weight of children under 5 in item township was obvious reduced , the situation of children supplementary food was improved somewhat ;

  21. 本文对5省2938名3岁以下儿童的喂养、辅食添加情况与体格发育1年纵向观察进行综合分析。

    This paper reports a one year longitudinal survey on 2938 infants under 3 years of age in 5 provinces . The relationship among feeding patterns , supplementary food and physical development of infants were analysed .

  22. 有82.8%的人认为辅食添加知识重要,90.0%的人想了解辅食添加知识,90.0%和48.2%的人家里分别有电视机和广播。

    82.8 % receivers think it important to have the knowledge of supplementary food . 90.0 % receivers want to learn the knowledge of it ; 90.0 % receivers families have TV and 48.2 % receivers have broadcast .

  23. 目的了解陕西省农村社区0~18个月婴幼儿辅食添加现状。

    Objective To find out the current quo of complementary feed of infants ranging in month from 0 to 18 in the rural communities of Shanxi province , and provide information for rural mother and child health work .

  24. 目的为培养适应社区卫生服务发展和需要的高质量的妇幼卫生专科人才,针对培养方向,探讨对婴幼儿辅食添加健康教育培训方法。

    Objective To train high-quality experts specific in maternal and children health care in consistency with the development and requirement of community health service , and to investigate the pattern of training methods on health education about infants ′ food supplement aiming mainly at training direction .

  25. 虽然各类辅食添加的顺序较合理,但开始添加的时间较早,在0~4月龄添加蛋类、乳类、蔬菜、水果、谷类的婴儿均占被调查婴儿的30%以上。

    The order of additions was reasonable , but the time of adding complementary foods was earlier , the infants fed eggs , milks , vegetables , fruits or cereals in the 0 ~ 4 months accounted to 30 % and above of the surveyed infants .

  26. 结论:围产保健质量与母亲喂养行为关系紧密,应重视农村社区围产保健工作,加强母乳喂养及辅食添加新知识的健康教育。

    Conclusion : Quality of perinatal health care is associated closely with maternal feeding behavior . Emphasis should be put on the perinatal health care in rural communities to strengthen the health education work , such as education of new knowledge about breast feeding and complement food adding .

  27. 【方法】选择内蒙古、四川、陕西三省,用分层整群抽样的方法抽取611名有4~12个月婴儿的母亲,于2001年8~10月对其进行辅食添加知识和行为的问卷调查。

    A total of 611 mothers who had 4 ~ 12 months infants were selected randomly by cluster sampling and investigated with questionnaire in some rural areas of Inner Mongolia , Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces . And the questionnaire was about the mothers ' knowledge and practice of complementary feeding .

  28. 本地区辅食开始添加的时间74%选择4~6个月;

    For 74 % infants in our district , timing of introducing of complementary food was 4-6 months old .

  29. 五大类辅食的添加率都随着婴幼儿年龄的增加而增加,每一个月龄段各类辅食的添加率都以谷类最高,依次为蔬菜,动物蛋白,蛋类和奶类,植物蛋白最低。

    The rates of five kinds of complementary food increased with the infants aging , and at month-age stage , the rate of grain food was highest , rates of vegetable , animal protein , eggs and milk were ordered by descendent turn .