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qīng qiǎo
  • Lightweight;easy;simple;light and handy;dexterous;deft
轻巧 [qīng qiǎo]
  • (1) [light and handy]∶轻便灵巧

  • 外形轻巧

  • (2) [easy;simple]∶简单容易

  • 这活计不轻巧

  • (3) [deft;dexterous]∶操作轻松灵巧

  • 轻巧的双手

轻巧[qīng qiǎo]
  1. 具有体积轻巧,使用方便,制作材料不受限制的特点。

    The utility model has the characteristics of light and handy volume , convenient operation and no restriction of making materials .

  2. 机械手具有结构轻巧、运动传递精确、手爪可更换和被动柔顺功能等特点。

    The manipulator has the features such as light and handy structure , precise motion transmission , changeable claw and the function fo passive compliance .

  3. 这些椅子构造轻巧,但却极为结实。

    The chairs were light in construction yet extremely strong .

  4. 它防水性能非常好,但却轻巧舒适。

    It is completely waterproof , yet light and comfortable .

  5. 建筑工人在8根细柱上架起轻巧的混凝土穹顶。

    The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns .

  6. 该设备本身正变得越来越小,越来越轻巧,也越来越便于存放。

    The equipment itself is getting smaller , neater and easier to find a home for .

  7. 新式农具既轻巧,又出活。

    The improved farm tools are efficient as well as easy to handle .

  8. 这小车真轻巧。

    This car is really light .

  9. 这录音机真轻巧。

    This is a handy tape recorder .

  10. 雪橇在雪原上轻巧地滑行,就象船在水上行驶一样。

    The sledge slid across the snow as lightly as a boat on the water .

  11. A:你们的销售重点是什么呢?B:比起其它竞争产品,我们的比较轻巧。

    A : What are the selling points of your product ? B : Compared with competing products , ours is smaller and lighter .

  12. Julia,说的到轻巧

    Oh , Julia , you make it sound so simple .

  13. 我可以创建一个Zero应用,使其位于我的企业应用之前,该企业应用负责将企业服务集合转换为轻巧的Web服务集合。

    I can create a Zero app to sit in front of my enterprise app that transforms a set of enterprise services into a set of nimble Web services .

  14. 轻巧而声音圆润、洪亮就是有源3S线阵的第一印象。

    Sonorous Sound with Smart look is the initial impression of Active3S line arrays system .

  15. V型墩结构新颖轻巧,外形美观匀称,在城市和景区的连续刚构桥中应用较多。

    Due to its structural novel and elegant apperance , the V-shaped piers are widely used in the urban and scenic spot rigid frame bridges .

  16. 根据大射电望远镜(FAST)反射面系统的要求,引入一种新颖轻巧的反射面支承结构方案&张拉整体体系。

    According to the requirements of the five hundred meter aperture spherical telescope ( FAST ) project , a novel , simple and light structure , tensegrity system , is proposed for the FAST reflector supporting structure .

  17. 压缩CSS和JavaScript文件只是优化资源,使您的web应用程序更轻巧的整体工作中的两个技术。

    Compressing CSS and JavaScript files are just two techniques that are part of the total work you can do to optimize your resources and help make your web applications fly .

  18. 同时由于MPP的引入,使该方案又有比较轻巧的构架,能满足移动支付设备资源有限的需要,并且具有更好的规范性。

    And the importing of MPP brings the scheme a simple architecture that fits for the wireless environment well .

  19. 最好的ALM解决方案十分轻巧,而且允许客户调整或者将它们与其它产品集成在一起。

    The best ALM solutions are lightweight and allow the customer to adapt or integrate them with other products .

  20. 传统的笨重、高辐射、高污染的CRT显示器正日益被轻巧、节能、环保、无辐射、无闪烁的液晶显示器所代替,同时视频显示器-计算机之间的基本接口也将从模拟向全数字化转变。

    The traditional heavy CRT displays with high radiation and pollution are gradually replaced by light LCD which are energy saving , non-radiation and non-radiance .

  21. SAW传感器具有灵敏度高、在大批量生产时成本低、功耗低、稳定和轻巧等特点,并且经过改进后很容易实现对多种物理、化学和生物量的传感。

    SAW sensors have the advantages of high sensitivity , low cost when produced in large volume , low power consumption , ruggedness and lightness . They also have the potential of sensing various physical , chemical and biochemical measurands .

  22. 通过采取一系列类似行动来披露安全漏洞和隐私侵权,Christ证明了以他的能力黑媒体就如同他操作电脑般轻巧。

    With a series of similar exploits that have exposed security flaws and privacy violations , he has demonstrated his ability to hack the media with just as much facility as he manipulates computers .

  23. 然而,在继续之前,有一点是很重要的,压缩CSS和JavaScript文件只是为了让您的web应用程序“轻巧”的诸多操作其中的两个技术。

    Before continuing , however , it 's important to note that compressing CSS and JavaScript files are just two techniques in a large list of things you can do to make your web application fly .

  24. DV(digitalvideo)作为高科技时代数字化影像记录工具,其低成本和轻巧灵便的特点缩短了拍摄者和拍摄对象之间的距离,赋予更多人影像制作的权利。

    DV ( Digital Video ) being an instrument to record the digital images in the times of high technology ; its characteristics of low cost ; legerity and convenience shorten the distance between the photographer and his object ;

  25. 随着可再生能源和混合动力车(HEV)的日益发展,对轻巧型,紧凑型的电源的需求与日俱增。

    With the growing development of renewable energy sources as well as hybrid electric vehicles ( HEV ), the light-weight and compact electric power sources is supplying the increasing demand .

  26. DL770坚固轻巧,采用了方便用户使用的智能键盘,提供USB连接端口,以及一个TF卡的数据插槽。

    The rugged , lightweight , user-friendly design of the DL770 features a smart keyboard , a USB interface , and a TF slot for accurate data collection .

  27. 印度股市午盘初延续早盘跌势,标准普尔CNX轻巧指数下跌刷新一日新低。

    The market extended decline in early afternoon trade , with the S & P CNX Nifty sliding to a fresh intraday low .

  28. OLED显示器因为具备了更轻巧、更高的对比、更宽的视角等特质,终于能够从显示器厂商的实验室走向市场。

    OLED displays , with their promise of crisp , high contrast , wide viewing angle images are at last beginning to emerge from the development labs of display companies into the market place .

  29. 由于消费类电子的成本敏感性特点,这些产品大多希望建立在一个有限占用系统资源的轻量级GUI系统之上,使系统更轻巧,更利用系统的模块化和拓展性。

    As the cost of the sensitivity of consumer electronics features , most of these products want to establish on a lightweight GUI system , which uses less system resource , making the system more compact , more use of system modularity and extensibility .

  30. TFT-LCD以其低功耗、低工作电压、无辐射、易于实现大规模集成化生产、轻巧等一系列特点,已经被广泛应用于手机、PDA等由电池驱动的便携式电子仪器中。

    Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display has been widely used in portable electronic devices such as mobile phone and PDA , which are supplied power by battery for advantage of low power , low driving-voltage , non-emissive and portable .