
qīng dù
  • mild;lightly;walking
轻度 [qīng dù]
  • (1) [lightly]∶程度低或量小,范围不大或数量不大

  • 轻度损坏

  • (2) [walking]∶以不影响患者保持不卧床和走动的能力为特征的

  • 轻度肺炎

轻度[qīng dù]
  1. 他由于患轻度眼疾而不再担任队长一职。

    His captaincy of the team was ended by mild eye trouble .

  2. 该研究发表在《精神医学与临床神经科学杂志》上,研究发现那些从事编织和钩织等手艺的人患轻度认知障碍和记忆力丧失可能性会降低。

    The study , published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences , found that those who engaged in crafts like knitting and crocheting had a diminished chance of developing mild cognitive disorder and memory loss .

  3. 经检测发现有轻度斜视。

    The tests revealed a slight misalignment of the eyes .

  4. 在失业率上升的同时,轻度犯罪也跟着增长。

    The rise in unemployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime .

  5. 即使是轻度超重也会增加患高血压的风险。

    Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure .

  6. 他1987年曾患轻度中风,之后就半身不遂了。

    He had a minor stroke in 1987 , which left him partly paralysed .

  7. 他患有轻度心脏病和关节炎。

    His ailments include a mild heart attack and arthritis .

  8. 沸腾钢在铸锭前不脱氧或轻度脱氧

    In the case of rimming steel , no or some deoxidation is carried out before casting .

  9. 维生素C强化五种果泥(汁)对轻度缺铁性贫血的疗效观察

    The Therapeutic Effect of Fruit Pulp and Juice Fortified with Vitamin C on Slight Iron Deficiency Anemia

  10. 青霉素V口服治疗中轻度感染的临床观察

    Clinical observation of oral penicillin V in treating mild to moderate infections

  11. MAP对轻度加工茭白品质的影响及其模型建立

    Effects of MAP on Quality of Minimally Processed Water Bamboo Shoot and Its Mathematical Model Set-up

  12. 结果常规MRI显示左侧额叶、颞叶轻度萎缩。

    Results Conventional MRI demonstrated mild atrophy of left temporal lobe and frontal lobe .

  13. 轻度认知损害和阿尔茨海默病的听觉诱发电位与P(300)检查的性别差异

    Sex differences in brain stem auditory evoked potentials and P_ ( 300 ) examination in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer 's disease

  14. 心脏检测结果:(1)轻度组与对照组比较,左室扩张(P<0.01);

    Results of echocardiography : ( 1 ) To compare with control group , there was obvious dilatation in Left ventricular ( P < 0.01 );

  15. 方法选用SD雄性大鼠制作慢性轻度不可预见性的应激抑郁模型。

    Methods Male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to an unpredictable sequence of mild stressors .

  16. 围产儿结局不良发生率,中、重度妊高征高于轻度妊高征(P<0.01)。

    Thus , there is a higher incidence of poor perinatal outcomes in severe and moderate PIH than that in mild cases ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 轻度认知障碍~(18)F-FDGPET显像的研究进展

    Progressing on ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG PET Imaging in Mild Cognitive Impairment

  18. 4与最佳植茶区相比较,适宜区存在一些轻度限制因子,主要包括土壤pH,碱解氮、速效钾含量;

    Compared with the first class , soil pH , available nitrogen and potassium were the slightly limited factors of the second class .

  19. 神经生理检查发现,他的脑电波轻度异常,核磁共振扫描(MRI)显示双侧脑室体后部和枕角周围白质和小脑发育异常。

    Neurophysiology examination found that his brain wave was abnormal , MRI scans indicated that myelinated corpus callosum and cerebellum developed abnormally .

  20. 期20个,CT表现为骨质硬化、囊变,新月征阳性,骨质轻度碎裂,关节面轻度塌陷;

    Stage ⅲ was 20 places , CT showed osteosclerosis , cystic hyalomere , meniscus sign , slight fraction of bone , slight joint surface depressed ;

  21. 轻度胁迫(T1)55&60%;

    The slight stress ( T1 ) 55 % - 60 % ;

  22. 稀土配分模式是平滑地向右倾斜,Eu轻度亏损,重稀土有增高趋势;

    The REE patterns are smoothly inclined to the right with a slight depletion of Eu and a tendency of HREE increasing .

  23. 结果3DMRI扫描表现:动脉期至平衡期呈轻度至中度逐渐明显异常强化7例;

    Results On the 3D MRI images , peri-ampullaris carcinoma showed mild or moderate enhancement in seven cases from the artery phase to balanced phase .

  24. D组组织切片可见肝、肾组织有轻度的病理变化。B、C组未见明显毒性变化。

    A light pathologic change of liver and kidney organs in Group D could be seen through organ section , while no any significant toxic change in Group B and C.

  25. 轻度视乳头水肿及假性视乳头水肿患者视网膜神经纤维层的OCT研究

    Optical coherence tomography of the retinal nerve fibre layer in mild papilloedema and pseudopapilloedema

  26. Alzheimer病和轻度认知功能障碍患者认知功能与局部脑血流灌注的相关性研究

    Study on the Correlation between Cognitive Functions and Regional Blood Flow in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

  27. 哥德堡市的MCI研究:轻度认知功能障碍是一种异质状态

    The Goteborg MCI study : Mild cognitive impairment is a heterogeneous condition

  28. 两组女性间SPECT放射性计数比值在左右颞上、颞下回及左右顶叶的差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。轻度与中、重度AD之间右顶叶的差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    The value of SPECT in right parietal lobe was significantly different between mild , moderate and severe cases within AD group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 重度妊高征较轻度妊高征血球压积明显降低,而血小板粘附率明显升高(P0.05);

    HCT was significantly reduced and platelet adhesion rate significantly increased in those with severe PIH compared with mild PIH ( P 0.05 ) .

  30. 慢性HBV感染者乏力症状与不同临床类型(携带者或轻度肝炎)、ALT值正常与否、HBeAg阳性与否和病程长短无显著相关。

    The fatigue score had no significant relationship to clinical types , ALT value , HBeAg , duration of disease .