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ruǎn tā tā
  • feeble
软塌塌 [ruǎn tā tā]
  • [feeble] 形容柔弱无力

  • 他觉得浑身软塌塌的

  1. 残留物会积聚在头发上,使头发看起来软塌塌的,而且毫无光泽。

    A residue can build up on the hair shaft , leaving the hair limp and dull looking .

  2. 软塌塌的地面启发了他的灵感。

    The softness of the earth gave him an idea .

  3. 软塌塌的站姿往往表明这个人缺乏安全感、内疚或软弱。

    A slumped position usually indicates insecurity , guilt , or weakness .

  4. 软塌塌的衬衫领子;

    A limp shirt collar ;

  5. 我们在一张小桌前对面而坐,用软塌塌的纸杯喝汤。

    We sat facing each other over a little table and ate soup from limp cardboard cups .

  6. 退开!房顶要塌啦!软塌塌的地面启发了他的灵感。

    Go back ! The roof is falling ! The softness of the earth gave him an idea .

  7. 纸船越沉越低,浸湿的纸变得软塌塌的,松散开来。最后,水没过了锡兵的脑袋。

    The paper of the boat became soft and loose , till at last the water closed over the soldier 's head .

  8. 我决定尝一下这份肉酱面,但这盘软塌塌、煮得过久的意大利螺旋面让我回想起学校食堂的糟糕伙食。

    I am determined to give the bolognese a chance but the floppy , overcooked fusilli brings back bad memories of my school canteen .

  9. 但是想想在食堂里吃的半生不熟的菜,软塌塌的比萨,粘糊糊的沙拉还有那破烂寿司,你最好还是像我一样出去吃饭,换换口味吧!

    There are times when you 'll want to stick to the dining halls and suffer through the half-baked dishes that the lunch ladies serve . But if you 're like me and don 't want to eat droopy pizza , wet salad , and bad sushi , go out and make a change .