
  • 网络bounce rate
  1. 的大小圆点代表跳出率。

    The size of the dots represents the bounce rate .

  2. 杂乱的网站也将影响网站的流量,因为访问客如果不能解或者关注那些内容,他们就不会再次访问,这导致了低流量、高跳出率,并可能是导致一个极差网页排名。

    A cluttered website will also affect traffic because visitors won 't return if they can 't understand or follow the content , which leads to low traffic , a high bounce rate and possibly a poor Page Rank .

  3. 一个说明关于退回率,如果您的网站是一个博客,跳出率可能不相关。

    One note about bounce rate , if your site is a blog , bounce rate may not be relevant .