
  • 网络fh radio;frequency hopping radio set
  1. 本文在具有数字化中频模块的跳频电台的上完成了GFSK调制解调的功能,支持多种传输速率和传输速率的自动识别等功能。

    This paper realizes the GFSK modulation-and-demodulation function of the FH radio set that has a digital IF module , and supports more than one transfer rate and can recognize the rate automatically .

  2. 跳频电台中央控制单元及跳频单元的硬件设计

    Hardware design of center control unit and frequency hopping unit for FH radio

  3. 超短波跳频电台同步系统的FPGA实现

    Application of FPGA in Synchronous System of Ultra-Shortwave Hop-Frequency Transceiver

  4. 采用FPGA实现了超短波跳频电台同步系统中的相关检测及位同步系统。

    The FPGA were applied in the correlation detection and bit synchronous system of ultra_shortwave hop_frequency transceiver .

  5. VHF跳频电台接收机射频前端的仿真设计与研究

    Simulation Design and Study of the VHF Frequency-hopping Radio Receiver Front-end

  6. 给出了基于PCI总线构建跳频电台自动测试系统的硬件平台和软件测试方法。

    The paper gives out the hardware platform and software platform of hopping radio ATS based on PCI bus .

  7. 该协议支持最多32个节点组网,可实现一路中继双向话音或两路直达双向话音,支持单播及广播数据报文和自动路由。2.在超短波跳频电台上实现了该TDMA组网协议。

    The network can transmit one bidirectional relay voice or two bidirectional direct voices , and data packets transmission supports both unicast and broadcast with automatic routing . Secondly , the TDMA networking protocol is implemented on the VHF frequency hopping radio .

  8. 本文以适用于超短波跳频电台的TDMA组网协议为主要研究内容,研究工作如下:1.设计了一种支持话音中继和数话同传的TDMA组网协议。

    This paper focuses on the research of TDMA networking protocol for VHF frequency hopping radios . The central research work is listed as follows : Firstly , a TDMA networking protocol which supports voice relay and simultaneous voice and data transmission is designed .

  9. 跳频电台密钥枪的硬件设计与软件实现

    The Hardware Design and Software Realization of the Frequency Hopping Transmitter-receiver

  10. 低功率无线跳频电台及同步技术研究

    Low Power Wireless Frequency Hopping Radio and Study on Synchronization Technology

  11. 短波跳频电台抗干扰性能

    Research on the Anti-jamming Capabilities for Shortwave of Frequency Hopping Radion

  12. 基于功放瞬态响应的跳频电台分选方法

    Individual HF Transmitter Identification Based on Transient Response of Power Amplifier

  13. 新型跳频电台同步进程的分析与设计

    Analyse and Design of a Novel Frequency-Hopped Radio Synchronization Process

  14. 短波跳频电台通信对抗效能研究

    Research on the communication countermeasures efficiency of HF frequency hopping

  15. 短波模拟跳频电台跳频部件的工程设计

    Engineering Design of Parts of Short Wave Simulation Frequency-hopping Radio

  16. 跳频电台频率合成器的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Frequency Synthesizer for Frequency Hopping Radio

  17. 跳频电台抗干扰能力分析

    Anti-jamming Ability analysis for Frequency - hopping Radio Station

  18. 基于混沌理论的跳频电台细微特征提取

    Fine-Features of Frequency-Hopping Radio Extraction Based on Chaos Theory

  19. 短波跳频电台的发展趋势

    Development Trend of Short Wave Frequency hopping Radio

  20. 跳频电台数字缓冲存贮器的功能和设计技术

    The Function and Design Tecbnique of the Degital Buffer Memory for Frequency Hopping Radios

  21. 超短波跳频电台的自适应数据传输

    Adaptive Data Transmission on VHF Hopping Frequency Radio

  22. 快速跳频电台频率合成器的研究

    Research on Fast Frequency Hopping Radio Synthesizer

  23. 最后对战术快速跳频电台关键技术研究做出了总结,并给出了下一步的工作展望。

    Finally , summarizes the key technologies of tactical High-Speed FH Radio and forecasts the following works .

  24. 近年来,跳频电台因其灵活性和保密性,得到快速的应用和发展。

    In recent years , frequency hopping radio has rapidly developed and applied with the flexibility and confidentiality .

  25. 本文针对短波跳频电台信号的特点及短波波段电磁环境的特点,对短波跳频信号的解跳技术进行了分析研究。

    Aimed at these characteristics , the realization of the de-hopping technique for short-wave FH signal is analyzed .

  26. 短波差分高速跳频电台频率合成器设计便携式两频道超短波无线电话机

    Design of Frequency Synthesizer in HF High Speed for Differential Frequency Hopping Transmitter-receiver ; portable two-channel super-short-wave radio telephone

  27. 本文的工作就是在软件无线电的架构下实现一种适应现代军事新要求的自适应跳频电台。

    The main work of this paper is realizing a self-adaptation frequency hopping station adapting to new military requisition .

  28. 本文首先介绍了战术通信在国内外跳频电台的研制情况及跳频通信技术的发展,讲述了扩频通信的基本概念和跳频系统的主要特点。

    The thesis describes the development of FH radio and FH communication techniques in foreign countries from the tactical view .

  29. 对于发挥军事跳频电台的战斗效能、提高其战斗力具有重要意义。

    It is significant for us to exert the battle efficiency and improve the battle effectiveness of military FH radios .

  30. 根据跳频电台的内部结构和工作原理,提出了功能和性能指标。

    According to the internal structure and radio frequency hopping principle , put forward the design features and performance indicators .