
qǐ xìnɡ
  • inspiration
  • become interested in;be curious about;be inspired
起兴 [qǐ xìng]
  • [get interested] 有兴致;感兴趣

  • 多热闹的事她也不起兴

  1. 其一,借日常事物起兴,所寄感情含蓄而深婉;

    First , entrust implied emotion by borrowing ordinary objects and events ;

  2. 如果你只是一时起兴想去日本。

    If you say on a whim * That you 're going to japan .

  3. 简析《诗经》中以植物起兴的文化基础

    An Analysis of the Cultural Basis of the Plants Adoration in The Book of Songs

  4. 《诗经》用作起兴的“它物”基本上都是原始人类采集、渔猎生活的对象,与原始人类的生产生活密切相关。

    The " objects " setting off " Xing " are related to collecting , fishing and hunting life .

  5. 其音乐诗中的赞美音乐、抒发志怀以及听乐起兴等这些审美情感的表达方式是建立在对历代音乐诗作创新的基础上的。

    The aesthetic emotion expression including praising music , expressing emotions and Qi Xing after listening to music was based on the foundation of past music innovation .

  6. 中国山水诗萌芽于《诗经》与《论语》的某些章句,功能是为了诗的起兴。

    Chinese landscape poems derive from some sentences and phrases in ( Book of Songs ) and ( Analects of Confucius ) which function as stimulants to the poems .

  7. 自然由起兴象征、比附道德、宗教祭祀的对象逐步显露它本然面貌,逐渐成为独立的审美对象,这一衍变过程反映了艺术中人们对自然的态度。

    From the objects of trope , moral attachment and religion sacrifice , the nature goes back its original status step by step and becomes the object of aesthetic gradually . The deriving process reflects the attitude of people to the nature .