
qǐ xī rì
  • value date
起息日[qǐ xī rì]
  1. 成交日;起息日一笔交易发生的日历日期。

    The calendar date on which a transaction takes place .

  2. 货币币种交换是按两个不同的起息日对一定数量的外汇同时进行买卖。

    A currency swap is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates .

  3. 如会员银行在提供电汇证实书后,资金实际到达我境外账户的日期迟于应到帐起息日,则参照同业赔付规则向其计收倒起息。

    If after a member bank provides cable confirmation , capital arrives at our account abroad later than the due dated day , the bank shall be charged back valuation according to inter-banking compensation rules .