
  • 网络strong dollar
  1. 诚然,以美联储(fed)为例,它总是在谈论强势美元。

    Sure , the US Federal Reserve , for example , talks about a strong dollar .

  2. 本伯南克(BenBernanke)也想要强势美元。

    Ben Bernanke wants a strong dollar .

  3. 宝洁(ProctorGamble)预计,由于强势美元的影响,2015年的利润将会出现零增长。

    Proctor Gamble forecasts zero growth in 2015 because of the strong dollar .

  4. 与此同时,美国财政部长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)昨日在日本重申,他相信维持强势美元是重要的。

    Meanwhile , in Tokyo yesterday Tim Geithner , US Treasury secretary , reiterated his belief in the importance of a strong dollar .

  5. 在上周末日本大阪举行的G8财长会议上,保尔森重申支持强势美元。

    At last weekend 's meeting of G-8 Finance Ministers in Osaka , Japan , Henry Paulson repeated his support for a stronger dollar .

  6. 美国决策者可能会重复“强势美元”论调。

    US policymakers may repeat the " strong dollar " mantra .

  7. 亚洲是强势美元政策的最后一个堡垒。

    Asia is the last bastion of the strong dollar policy .

  8. 强势美元政策:有效性检讨与可持续性分析

    Strong Dollar Policy : Review of Validity And Analysis of Sustainability

  9. 而且历史上有强势美元在其他地区造成破坏的先例。

    Then there are the historical precedents of a strong dollar breaking things elsewhere .

  10. 强势美元对美国企业利润的影响,并未如人们担忧的那么大。

    The strong dollar has wrought less damage on US corporate profits than feared .

  11. 强势美元重回市场

    MARKETING MARKET The Almighty Dollar Is Back

  12. 但眼下,美国经济最不需要的就是强势美元。

    But a strong dollar is the last thing the US economy needs right now .

  13. 这可不是盖特纳和伯南克两人想要的那种强势美元。

    That is not the sort of strong dollar Messrs Geithner and Bernanke would welcome .

  14. 而强势美元政策与知识经济的运行规律本身具有紧缩效应。

    Strong dollar policy and knowledge economy can also make deflation effect to some extent .

  15. 我们支持强势美元。

    We support a strong dollar .

  16. 星期三巩固的石油价格对于亚洲股票市场和强势美元是有帮助的,尽管力量微弱。

    This helped to underpin oil prices Wednesday despite weaker Asian stock markets and a stronger dollar .

  17. 美国经常项目逆差与强势美元政策浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Adverse Balance of American Frequent Items and a Policy of Strong U.S Dollars

  18. 新“强势美元”政策深刻影响着世界经济地理格局,国际货币体系和金融格局也进一步酝酿生变。

    The new " Strong Dollar " policy leaves profound influence on worldeconomy , international currency system and financial pattern .

  19. 强势美元本身就是一种紧缩政策,它降低了美联储采取行动的必要性。

    A stronger dollar is itself a tightening measure , making it less necessary for the Federal Reserve to act .

  20. 路透社援引周小川的话报道称:因此,从这个意义上讲,实际上我们希望看到强势美元。

    So in this sense , actually we hope to see a strong dollar , Reuters quoted Mr Zhou as saying .

  21. 布什总统还说,美国坚持强势美元政策,因为这对美国和整个世界都有好处。

    The president said the United States is committed to a strong dollar , which he said is in America 's interests and will benefit the global economy .

  22. 罪魁祸首应该是全球IT支出的下降,欧洲金融危机和强势美元应对此负主要责任。

    The biggest culprit seems to be a broad-based slowdown in the pace of spending on information technology , thanks to financial turmoil in Europe and a stronger dollar .

  23. 那么,强势美元的结局将会如何?好的一面是,耶伦可以在比预期更长的时间里保持零利率。

    What , then , will become of the strong dollar ? The upside is that Ms Yellen can afford to keep interest rates at zero for longer than expected .

  24. 保尔森再次指出,强势美元显然符合美国的最佳利益,他呼吁展开一次全新行动,重启多哈回合贸易谈判,以支撑全球增长。

    Repeating that a strong dollar is clearly in our nation 's best interest , Mr Paulson called for a fresh push to revive the Doha trade round to support global growth .

  25. 由于美国存在对强势美元政策的依赖性及美元的全球霸权地位没有受到实质性的挑战,在可预见的将来,强势美元政策仍会持续也仍可持续,美国仍将实行强势美元政策。

    Due to depending on strong dollar policy and no material challenge to dollar supremacy , strong dollar policy is and will be sustainable , US will stick to it in foreseeable future .

  26. 许多分析人士仍认为,尽管美国政府声称青睐“强势美元”,但美国对美元下跌奉行一种“良性忽略”的政策他们乐于见到美元疲软对出口的推动作用。

    Many analysts still reckon the US has a policy of benign neglect towards the dollar welcoming the boost from dollar weakness to exports even though the administration says it favours a " strong dollar " .

  27. 东亚美元化削减了东亚货币合作的所得收益,而强势美元政策使东亚国家面对美元霸权时陷入进退两难境地,从而在一定程度上影响了东亚货币合作最终目标的实现。

    US dollarization in East Asia cuts the gains of the regional monetary cooperation , the strong dollar policy pushes East Asian countries into a dilemma and impedes the ultimate goal of the East Asian monetary cooperation .

  28. 美国政策制定者仍在重复吟唱强势美元的颂歌,但用行动支持他们的,是亚洲各国央行积累了数万亿美元的美国国债。

    US policymakers still repeat the mantra of a strong currency . But it is Asia 's central bankers that have backed up their words with action , accumulating thousands of billions ' worth of US Treasuries .

  29. 在要求人民币升值的种种压力中,强势美元政策的调整是人民币升值的主要外部压力,人民币实际均衡汇率在中长期的升值趋势是人民币名义汇率升值的内部压力。

    Among the various pressures requiring RMB to revalue , the adjustment of dollar policy is a main external pressure , and the internal pressure may be a mid - long term revalue trend of RMB 's balancing exchange rate .

  30. 然后,在2008年7月美国发生信贷紧缩后,弱势美元成了强势美元:美元对除日元外的所有主要货币意外升值20%至30%,并且至今仍保持强势。

    Then , after the US credit crunch of July 2008 , the weak dollar became the strong dollar : the surprise 20 to 30 per cent dollar appreciation against all major currencies , except the Japanese yen , that is still with us .