
qǐ zhònɡ jī xiè
  • hoisting machinery
  1. 介绍安川CIMR-G7A4300变频器在港口起重机械起升机构自控系统中的应用。

    This article introduced settles the Sichuan CIMR-G7A4300 frequency changer to lift in the organization automatic control system application in the harbor hoisting machinery .

  2. 广东省冶金起重机械质量状况与对策分析

    Quality Status and Countermeasure Analysis for Metallurgy Hoisting Machinery in Guangdong Province

  3. CAD技术在我国起重机械中的应用与展望

    Application and development of CAD technology in lifting appliances in China

  4. 凸轮控制器及PLC控制起重机械的变频调速

    Frequency Control of Motor Speed Cam Controller and PLC Control

  5. CAD技术可以提高起重机械制造企业的工作效率,增强企业的创新和竞争能力。

    CAD technology can improve work efficiency and strengthen innovation and competitiveness in crane manufactures .

  6. 采用Delphi法对起重机械作业人员职业适性指标进行了研究。

    Test indexes for occupational aptitude of craneman are studied by Delphi method .

  7. 本文阐述了采用SqlServer与VisualC++研制的大型起重机械剩余寿命评估系统中的数据库及数据库管理系统的结构、功能、特点、设计及其实现的技术。

    This paper presents structure , functions , features , design and key technologies of the SQL Server and Visual based remaining life estimation database system for large cranes .

  8. 突出了变频器和可编程控制器(PLC)在起重机械中的控制特点,为该系统在其它起重机械的应用提供了实际经验。

    The control particularity of converter and PLC in lifting machinery is expressed . The practical experience is provided in order to use the system in other lifting machinery .

  9. 根据起重机械特点,在港口机械中的交流变频控制系统中,整流逆变器(也称可逆PWM整流器,简称变流器)组合应用,提高作业效率,降低电能损耗,节省成本。

    Basing on the mechanical characteristics , in the vari-frequency control system on port crane , apply converter for improving the operation efficiency and for reducing the energy consume to lower the base cost .

  10. 2K-V同轴行星传动和K-H平行轴行星传动是新出现的双曲柄式行星齿轮传动,其结构紧凑,传动比大,效率较高,在起重机械上有广阔的应用前景。

    K-V coaxal planetary drive and K-H parallel axle drive are new type of double crank planetary drive . They have compact large transmission ratio and higher effiency , they have wide prospect use in the crane machinery .

  11. 它的派生产品PHT型自行葫芦也被用户广泛地应用。另外,我公司的传统产品桥、门式起重机械也被用户广泛应用。

    Furthermore , its follow-on products , namely PHT-mode Auto Crane and the traditional bridge cranes and gantry cranes have also been widely adopted in use .

  12. GB/T5972-1986起重机械用钢丝绳检验和报废实用规范TCK钢丝绳检测技术与矿井提升钢丝绳检测

    Wire rope for lifting appliances & Code of practice for examination and discard TCK Steel Wire Examination Technology and Mine Hoist Steel Wire Examination Mountain Essence

  13. 应用事例推理的门式起重机械关键零部件变型设计研究

    Case-based reasoning study of key component variant design for gantry crane

  14. 起重机械钢结构激光测量技术的研究

    Girder deflection measuring research of the crane based on laser technique

  15. 建筑起重机械使用和管理中存在问题的思考

    Thought on Problems in Utilization and Management of Construction Lifting Machinery

  16. 结果和结论,它们对于大型工程起重机械的总体结构设计具有普遍参考意义。

    They are meaningful for structure design of heavy duty crane .

  17. 升降装卸平台是小型起重机械的一种。

    Lift loading and unloading platform is a kind of mini-crane .

  18. 起重机械疲劳断裂可靠性分析的新进展

    The latest advance in reliability analysis of crane 's fatigue fracture

  19. 超音频感应加热设备是一种小型起重机械。

    Super-audio frequency induction heating equipment is a small lifting appliances .

  20. 大型起重机械购置微机辅助决策支持系统

    The Computer Aided Policy Making Systems for Heavy Lifting Machinery Buy

  21. 起重机械常见事故分析及安全管理

    The ordinary accident analysis of lifting machinery and its safety management

  22. 欧美起重机械租赁市场的烦恼

    Troubles in rental market of hoisting machine in Europe and America

  23. 如何延长起重机械上钢丝绳的使用寿命

    How to Extend the Service Life of Wire Rope on Crane

  24. 起重机械是现代化生产中必不可少的运输工具。

    Lifting machinery is essential for modern production as means of transport .

  25. 我国电站装备及电力起重机械的发展概况

    Development of the electric power equipments and crane in China

  26. 中国对东盟建筑起重机械产品出口贸易现状及策略分析

    Status and Strategy of Chinese Construction Hoisting Machinery Products Export to ASEAN

  27. 管子坡口机是用于起重机械的原材料。

    Pipe beveling machine is used for lifting raw materials .

  28. 海港码头大型起重机械的防风问题

    Wind Prevention about Large Scale Hoisting Machinery at Harbor Wharf

  29. 这类准则是腿机构必须满足的.起重机械型式试验注意事项

    On of the leg . Cautions in Type Test of Lifting Machinery

  30. 起重机械国际国内标准的现状和发展趋势

    Present Condition and Developing Trend International and Domestic Standards of Hoisting Machinery