
qǐ zi
  • screwdriver;bottle opener;baking powder;emptins
起子 [qǐ zǐ]
  • (1) [bottle opener]∶开瓶盖的工具,一端是圆形环,另一端是柄,用金属做成

  • (2) [baking powder]∶发粉,在制造烘烤食品(制快速面包或烙饼)时用作发酵的粉末

起子[qǐ zi]
  1. 这枚硬币可以充当螺丝起子用。

    This coin may act as a screwdriver .

  2. 如果那把起子太大,我确信这把一定可以。

    If your screwdriver is too big , I 'm sure this one will do the trick .

  3. 他用螺丝起子戳她的脸颊。

    He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver .

  4. 一旦开发者认识到这一点,我们会说明一个Accessor可以向上给逻辑层发起子请求,以允许它们创建复合软件系统。

    Once developers see this we show that an Accessor can issue sub-requests up into the logical level allowing them to create composite software systems .

  5. 我需要那只大的螺旋起子旋松这些螺丝。

    I 'll need that large screwdriver to loosen these screws .

  6. 那你怎么可以说起子比锤子要好?

    how can you say that screwdrivers are better than hammers ?

  7. 不,我忘拿我的音速起子了。

    Oh , no , I left my sonic screwdriver behind .

  8. 瓶塞起子是螺旋形的。

    A corkscrew is in the shape of a helix .

  9. 镍镉电池的适用对象无所不包,从无线起子机到紧急照明灯皆有。

    NiCad batteries have powered everything from cordless screwdrivers to emergency lights .

  10. 苏格兰威士忌酒,还是起子酒或马丁尼酒?

    A Scotch , a screw driver or a martini ?

  11. 肯尼:我借了他的一个螺丝起子。

    Kenny : Well I borrowed one of his screwdrivers .

  12. 设计并绘制开瓶起子的零件图。

    Finish the detail drawing of a bottle opener .

  13. 你太适合做罐头起子了。

    You 'd make one hellof a can opener .

  14. 只有用罐头起子才能打开罐头。

    We can only open a tin of food with a tin opener .

  15. 你的工具箱里另外有一把螺丝起子吗。

    Is there another screwdriver is your tool box ?

  16. 他用螺丝起子将箱子撬开。

    He pried the box open with a screwdriver .

  17. 他正试图用一个螺丝起子敲开一个零钞机。

    He was trying to Jimmy open a change machine with a screwdriver .

  18. 给我一杯螺丝起子加冰块。

    Give me a screwdriver on the rocks .

  19. 那一般不用螺丝起子吧。

    That doesn 't usually require a screwdriver .

  20. 生产部有六个人,拿着螺丝起子坐在六英尺的桌子旁升级电脑。

    Manufacturing consisted of three guys with screwpers sitting at six-foot tables upgrading machines .

  21. 她必须要越过他的身体去取得起子。

    She would 've had to have reached across his body and grab it .

  22. 我去拿把螺丝起子你继续弄这个

    I 'm gonna go grab a screwdriver . But you run with this .

  23. 磁性塑料柄倒顺多用螺丝起子

    Magnetic ratchet multi-purpose screw-driver with plastic handle

  24. 你自己去买个起子吧。

    And go buy yourself a corkscrew .

  25. 请给我螺丝起子。

    Please hand me the screwdriver .

  26. 您能否采用同类包装并在罐头盒顶部装上一个起子呢?

    Can you use similar packing and Incorporate an opener on the top of each tin ?

  27. 一字塑料柄螺丝起子

    Flared tip screwdriver with plastic handle

  28. 一种专供飞利浦螺丝的螺丝起子。

    A screwdriver for Phillips screws .

  29. 一只合适的具有很多种类螺丝头的多功能起子是你最好的办法。

    A decent multi-head screwdriver with a wide assortment of screwdriver heads is your best bet .

  30. 当一只手伸进来试图开门锁时,她就用螺丝起子扎那只手。

    When a hand came inside and tried to unlock the door , she stabbed it .