- start armed struggle;rise in rebellion

[rise in rebellion;start armed struggle] 发动武装斗争;起兵
You have good unity in your group , and success will be yours for the asking .
insurgent adj After a prolonged siege , the town was rendered up to the insurgents . bandit n rally n.
Just make the work of law enforcement officers more difficult .
He carries on as if he were the boss .
You will perhaps manage things better than I could .
Jim and I have never seen eye to eye on this matter .
Dasilve is tougher then me while working .
He is quite experienced and always does a job with skill and ease .
Throughout the Bai Lang uprising , he did not offer a clear political program .
Not even a week in here and you 're already working it like an old con .
Send back your answer as soon as you can , and be careful to write explicitly .
It is difficult for us to get things done , because China is a big and backward country .
Evil of banditry in Guangxi was not so conducive to Jintian Rise as it was thought to be .
Early detection of problems provides you a freedom of choice versus being forced to do fire-fighting after the fact .
The Soviet leader Joseph Stalin , however , wanted the uprising to fail so that the Soviet occupation of Poland would be uncontested .
A lot of investigation indicates that measuring the cutting force and cutting temperature rapidly and exactly can help to research the metal cutting better .
Maintained an ambiguous relationship in the late Bai Lang uprising with revolutionaries , and to take the protection of the policy of the missionaries .
As the new extermination object of the Qing troops , the Society of God Worshipers was soon heavily besieged and in a vulnerable position .
With the social development and the enhancement of awareness of the rights , people have gradually recognized that prevention of relief after more than superiority .
This uprising most of the team members do not even know the revolution what it is , not to mention the change to the revolutionary ranks .
Total negation had experienced the Confucian culture , integration of a plurality of ethnic Manchu culture , which made the uprising leadership group loose experience channel .
Bai Lang uprising team used TangJiang organization in a manner , however , is only a loose alliance , Bai Lang can not revolt team for effective control .
The uprising leadership did not improve and enhance the propaganda and mobilization system , and failed to put forward transcendence , integration of value ideas to meet the most common interests .
Accurately , it is a Folk Sects uprising , there are three reasons : First , the name of " Hao Army " is followed the tradition of the Folk Sects uprising ;
From the whole team thinking , organization and activities , Bai Lang uprising was not a peasant uprising against imperialism and feudalism , is just a bandit movement with a mark on the history of the Revolution .
In rebellion , whether Zhao San-duo led Boxers to attack churchs and to resist government soldiers or was he forced at first to lead the rebellion , then tried to quit and help government to persuade Boxers dismiss ?
Nepal 's anti-government force has been an important political and military power in the nation since its rise in February 1996 . Its apparent violent tendency has been seriously affecting the political and economic development , and social stability of Nepal .
The Qing Dynasty rulers think that actors acting corrupt customs , ill attempt , many times by acting in theatre as a folk ways , so the emperor and government cast productions and acting location management , strengthen the actor activity controls .
What he means to do , I am sure I know not ; but his excessive distress will not allow him to pursue any measure in the best and safest way , and Colonel Forster is obliged to be at Brighton again tomorrow evening .
But as more and more other minorities took part , some insurgent propaganda and mobilization mode were not more and more adapt to the changes in the development of the war situation and circumstances of war , and even led to the failure of the uprising .