
qǐ mǎ
  • at least;minimum;rudimentary;elementary;at the earliest;leastways
起码 [qǐ mǎ]
  • [minimum;rudimentary;elementary] 最低限度的

  • 起码的要求

  • [at least;at the earliest] 至少

  • 他们班起码有三个学生不及格

起码[qǐ mǎ]
  1. 一部分原因是Dispose()应该完成最起码的必要的对象清理工作。

    Part of the reasoning was that Dispose () should do the minimum necessary to clean up .

  2. 该公司还宣布,公平贸易(fairtrade)将为旗下dairymilk巧克力中的可可豆提供认证,从而确保农民能获得最起码的价格。

    It has also announced that Fairtrade will certify the cocoa in its dairy milk chocolate , ensuring farmers earn a minimum price .

  3. 你起码还能意识到要求救。

    At least you had the wit to ask for help .

  4. 你还以为他会懂得起码的礼貌去道个歉呢。

    You 'd think he 'd have the common courtesy to apologize .

  5. 她的举止显示她连起码的礼节都不懂。

    Her behaviour showed a total lack of common decency .

  6. 这是我所能帮忙做的最起码的事。

    It 's the least I can do to help .

  7. 罢工期间,我们设法保持最起码的公共汽车营运。

    We managed to operate a skeleton bus service during the strike .

  8. “我们起码还得了一票。”她苦笑着解嘲道。

    ' At least we got one vote , ' she said with a wry smile .

  9. 告诉邻居我们要举行聚会,这是起码的礼貌。

    It 's only common courtesy to tell the neighbours that we 'll be having a party .

  10. 我一个星期起码去一次薯条店。

    I go to the chippy at least once a week .

  11. 他连邀准这种最起码的礼貌都没有。

    He didn 't have the common courtesy to ask permission .

  12. 警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。

    The police say his death was an accident , officially at least

  13. 别的不说,道格起码是个精明务实的商人。

    If nothing else , Doug is a hard-nosed businessman .

  14. 竟然没有一个人最起码地通知我一声计划了些什么。

    Nobody had the decency to inform me of what was planned .

  15. 英国许多海滩连最起码的卫生标准都达不倒。

    Many of Britain 's beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness .

  16. 给更有需要的人让座是最起码的礼貌。

    It is common decency to give your seat to anyone in greater need

  17. 他们本应该起码给我半天时间休息。

    The least they could have given me was half a day to rest

  18. 起码我得睡一会儿。

    At the least , I needed some sleep

  19. 相信我,这是我最起码能做的了,只是小事一桩。

    Believe me , it 's the least I can do , a mere trifle .

  20. 争取到研究资金并不难,起码不总是那么难。

    It 's not difficult to get money for research or at least it 's not always difficult

  21. 我们不清楚他的健康情况如何,但起码知道他仍然活着。

    We 've no idea what his state of health is but at least we know he is still alive

  22. 你可能会认为他起码应该大方地承认自己是撞上了好运。

    You 'd think that at least he 'd have the good grace to admit his blinding , jammy luck .

  23. 你起码应该跟他打个招呼。

    You should at least have let him know about it .

  24. 你跟我一块儿去吧,起码可以壮壮我的胆。

    Come with me so you can at least boost my courage .

  25. 她说:“钱也许不能治愈我的心灵创伤,但起码它起到了一定的作用。”

    She said : ' Money might not heal a broken heart , but it sure does help ! '

  26. 对门房、迎宾有礼貌,起码点头笑一下,他们往往是最容易被忽视的人。

    Respect the receptionist . It is kind to smile and acknowledge them when they are easily ignored by most people .

  27. 据我的经验和观察,要在企业中实现SOA,起码要理解以下事实

    From my experience and observation , the least-understood facts regarding implementing SOA in the enterprise are

  28. 组件扫描功能则使得这个XML中最起码的bean定义都不再存在需求性。

    The component scanning functionality can remove the need for even that minimal bean definition in XML .

  29. 最起码就目前而言,Nook将仍然是安卓阵营成员而非windows成员。

    For now at least , the Nook will remain an Android , not Windows , device .

  30. 我们也坚信LLVM是一个更加健壮的JIT,起码比现在看起来应该健壮很多。

    We also believed that LLVM was a more robust JIT than it turned out to be .