
  • 网络Managing by Walk Around;management by walking around;managing by walking around;mbwa;walk-around management
  1. 显然,走动式管理会花费额外的时间和精力,但除了在未来可能有看得到的好处,你也许会发现你喜欢上了这种方式。

    Clearly , MBWA takes some extra time and effort , but apart from any tangible payoff it might yield down the road , you might even find that you enjoy it .

  2. 由于汤姆•彼得斯和罗伯特•沃特曼在他们的畅销名著《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)中的推崇,走动式管理成了细致和个人化管理方式的代名词。

    After Tom Peters and Robert Waterman wrote about it in their 1982 blockbuster bestseller in search of excellence , MBWA became a buzzword for up-close-and-personal management .

  3. 经常性地与员工进行一对一的谈话是走动式管理的最佳形式。

    MBWA works best as a continual stream of one-on-one conversations with individual employees .

  4. “走动式”管理是世界上流行的一种创新管理方式,“走动式”管理是一种“以人为本”的情感管理、现场管理、互动管理。

    " get-around " management is one of the creative ways of management that are very popular among the world .