
  1. 意义指称论的出路:走向生活世界

    The Way-out of the Referential Theory : Towards the Life World

  2. 影像时代语文美育走向生活

    Chinese Aesthetic Education Should Be Toward Life in Photo-image Times

  3. 当代教育研究应该注重生活体验,走向生活体验。

    The author thinks that real education research should focus on lived experience .

  4. 并力求让感恩教育走向生活化实践化,追求活动的可行性与实效性;

    Try our best to make gratitude education move towards life and practice ;

  5. 论走向生活世界的教学目的观

    On the Outlook of Teaching Aim toward Life World

  6. 走向生活:论学校对社会生活质量的提升

    Walking Towards Life : Influence of School on the Quality of Social Life

  7. 人文知识走向生活世界的不可傻瓜化和难于简单化;

    Fifthly , there is no easy access for humanities to the mundane world ;

  8. 当然,口语交际的学习最终是为了走向生活。

    Certainly , spoken language communication ability study is to live for make for ultimately .

  9. 试论走向生活世界的教学

    Towards An Instructional Theory of Life World

  10. 从体制型法治走向生活型法治无法将非托管类型转换为托管类型

    From System-style Nomocracy to Life-style Nomocracy ; Cannot convert an unmanaged type to a managed type

  11. 当代美学要想获得新的发展契机,应该走向生活,实现存在生活生活存在的统一。

    The development of contemporary aesthetics must take to life , realizing the unification of existence-life-living existence .

  12. 智慧教育教人学会质疑,教人走向生活。

    Persons are taught to learn questions and to stride to life by means of education of wisdom .

  13. 期望创建灵活的教学形式,把生活引入课堂,让作文走向生活。

    In hopes of creating flexible forms of teaching , the life into the classroom , so writing to life .

  14. 道德教育走向生活世界绝不是要附和于日常生活,而需保持超越的品性。

    Turning to life world of moral education is not to echo ordinary life , but still keep its transcending nature .

  15. 突破传统美学为中心的限制,走向生活环境美学的普适性;

    The second one is to break through the limitation centered on traditional aesthetics and develop the universality of real life environmental aesthetics .

  16. 高校要将思想教育融入日常管理,使之从课堂教育走向生活引导;

    Ideological education in colleges should be integrated with the daily administration routines so as to direct it by guidance in daily life rather than classroom instruction ;

  17. 美学不断走向生活,生活不断艺术化,那时的上海拥有不同于其他城市的审美图式。

    Aesthetics continuously moved toward life , and life unceasing moved toward art . During that period , Shanghai had a special aesthetic schema rather than other cities ' .

  18. 神话因为与生活和生命的关系,使神话批评拥有了走向生活批评和生命批评之可能。

    What relations there are among the myth , the living and the life has made myth criticism towards the criticism about living and the criticism about life possible .

  19. 司法作为法律从文本走向生活的中介,在法治建设中有着举足轻重的地位,司法建设在法治建设中应首当其冲。

    Judiciary goes from the text to the intermediary of life as law , and plays a vital role in the legal construction . The judicial construction should be given priority in the legal construction .

  20. 本文详细的分析了设计文化在当代文化中呈现的状态,同时研究和探讨了设计作为一种审美创造性的活动,已经是一种走向生活世界的物质化的艺术行为。

    This thesis analyzes the estate of design culture in modern culture in details , meanwhile investigates and discusses design , as an activity of creating aesthesia , has already been an art behavior tend towards materialize of living world .

  21. 波普、新波普艺术让艺术从高高的神坛走向生活,在消解了艺术与生活的界线,使艺术大众化、商业化的同时,也使其彻底丧失了精神价值。

    Pop arts and new pop arts have made arts enter people 's everyday life from the altar . When the borderline of life gets faint and arts become popularized and commercialized , arts will surely lose their spiritual value .

  22. 马克思主义能否通过文化理论走向日常生活?&试析20世纪70年代之后国外马克思主义的文化转向

    Can Marxism be Back to Everyday Life via Cultural Theory

  23. 因此,社会主义法治建设必须从“体制型“法治走向“生活型”法治。

    So socialist nomocracy must go to life style from system style .

  24. 今天你走向现实生活中。

    Today you go forth into the real world .

  25. 要走向人类生活世界的必经之途是让技术合理化。

    The rationalization of technology is the indispensable way to going towards life world .

  26. 从写鬼神灵异、奇闻佚事走向现实生活,使小说表现的题材得到极大拓展。

    The novels expressing historical themes were expanded from writing ghost stories and anecdotes to realistic lives .

  27. 回顾20世纪的西方哲学走向,生活世界的重新阐释已成为多元主题中的重要一维。

    In the development of 20th century philosophy , reinterpreting the life-world plays an important role among multiple themes .

  28. 美学文艺学正在逐步走向日常生活,使日常生活作为一个重要而活跃的研究领域日渐凸现出来。

    As an important and active academic field , everyday life is recently emphasized in aesthetics of literature and art .

  29. 现在的年轻人把工厂视为个人事业的一部分,是他们走向城市生活的第一步。

    Now they see the factory as part of a personal project , a first step towards an urban life .

  30. 陈的事迹见证了在中国,互联网正从一个虚拟的网络空间走向现实生活。

    Chen is another example here of how in China the Internet is crossing over from cyberspace to the real world .