
  • 网络Excess capital;capital surplus;capital glut
  1. 在全球资本过剩,股票市场高度杠杆化的时候,市场会给与重视价值,而不是时髦的人最大的回报。

    A highly leveraged market will reward those who focus on value but not vogue .

  2. 怪不得,尽管距离危机爆发仅仅一年,一些投资者已经开始抱怨高盛资本过剩。

    No wonder , though barely a year after the advent of the crisis , that some investors are muttering about Goldman having excess capital .

  3. 狂热的投资形成了两个方面的负效应,一是维持并加速了地方政府的收支缺口;二是导致了资本过剩带来的投资乘数降低,也就是投资对于经济增长的作用在逐渐降低。

    Overinvestment leads to an increase in local governments ' gap between income and expense and a decrease in proportion between quantity of investment and economics growth .

  4. 这给新兴经济体带来的后果,可能是资本过剩、随之而来的对本币汇率高估的忧虑、廉价进口的泛滥,以及大批资金一旦最终撤离所导致的极度波动。

    The result for the developing world is a possible capital surfeit and attendant fears of overvalued exchange rates , floods of cheap imports and extreme volatility should the wall of money eventually retreat .

  5. 在泡沫破裂之后,我们看到的不是受到抑制的投资意愿,而是由市场过度自信时期的过度投资导致的资本过剩住房空置,商厦没有商户,工厂没有客户。

    After bubbles burst there is no pent-up desire to invest . Instead there is a glut of capital caused by over-investment during the period of confidence vacant houses , malls without tenants and factories without customers .

  6. 第四章要探讨的问题是,劳动与资本双重过剩条件下现代工业部门是如何实现自身不断发展的。

    In Chapter Four I explore the prospect for sustainable industrialization under the conditions of labor and capital surplus .

  7. 当前房地产发展处于资本相对过剩的环境,无论是国内还是国际上,资金都处于超级流动状态。

    This paper points out that real estate in the background of capital market is relatively in over supply , capital is in the condition of superfluidity both at home and abroad .

  8. 但在全球资本市场资金过剩的情况下,很难相信对德国的投资被挤出。

    But in a glutted world capital market , it is hard to believe that investment in Germany was crowded out .

  9. 资本流动性过剩已经成为全球经济现象,流动性过剩导致的结果是大量的资金追逐房地产、基础资源和各种金融资产,形成资产价格的快速上涨。

    Excess capital liquidity has become a global economic phenomenon with a result of a large amount of capital investing into real estate , basic resources and various financial assets , leading to a rapid rise in asset prices .

  10. 过度投资将大量资本投入生产能力过剩的领域,引起资源与生产要素的双重浪费。

    Excessive investment puts a large amount of capital into the area of excessive production capacity , Leading to wasted resources and production factors .

  11. 过去我们把资本积累引起相对过剩人口,看作是马克思对资本主义失业的唯一解释。

    In the past , we took it for granted that relative excess population caused by capital accumulation was the complete content of Marx ′ s theory on unemployment .

  12. 这主要包括:英国国内由于工业革命的推进而造成的资本与人口的过剩、经济危机的爆发和阶级斗争的尖锐化;

    Largely from the social and economic perspective , Chapter II examines the causes of the birth of Wakefield 's theory : the ' excess ' of labor and capital , and the social conflict derived from this at home ;

  13. 投资不足致使资金闲置,公司成长缓慢,过度投资会导致大量资本沉淀在产能过剩领域,造成资源和生产要素浪费。

    Under-investment is making a lot of idle funds which slows down the growth of companies . Over-investment can lead to huge capital precipitation in the area of excess capacity , resulting in waste of resources and factors of production .

  14. 当代全球化的一个文化后果是消费文化的兴起,它同样根源于资本规律,即资本生产过剩。

    One important cultural result of contemporary globalization is the rise of consumption culture , which is also originated from the principle capital , that is overproduction .

  15. 在传统的投资回报率价格规制条件下,为获得更多的绝对利润,垄断企业会采取使用更多的资本投资代替其他要素投资的策略性行为,从而导致资本投资过剩,即A-J效应。

    In the traditional price regulation conditions , for the more absolute profits , monopoly enterprises will use more capital invest to alternative investment of other elements for the more absolute profits , leading to excessive capital investment , which means A-J effect .

  16. 经济自由主义者主张的所谓“劳动过剩,资本稀缺”是错误的,现在的中国是劳动和资本都过剩。

    The so-called " excessive labor but scarce capital " advocated by some economic liberalists is wrong in view of the fact that both labor and capital are excessive in today 's China .