
  • 网络capital factor;capital element
  1. 论新农村建设中的资本要素缺失

    The lack of capital element during new rural area building

  2. 资本要素参与分配的实践与探讨。

    Practice and discussion about the capital element 's sharing the work .

  3. 从资本要素投入角度来看,FDI对镇江市经济增长的平均贡献率为342%。

    In terms of capital investment , the average contribution proportion of FDI to Zhenjiang economic growth is 3 42 % .

  4. 本文以委托一代理理论、企业家人力资本要素理论、产权激励理论为基础,从中引出MBO的经济学动因,即企业家为实现其人力资本价值,对剩余索取权的追求促使产权革命。

    This thesis is based on these theories including entrusts-act theory , human capital theory and ownership theory , and bring up the motive and reason of MBO .

  5. 我国竞技体育高水平运动员人力资本要素市场化

    Marketilization of high-level athlete human capital factor of Chinese athletic sports

  6. 资本要素包含物质要素和劳动力要素。

    Capital elements contain material elements and labor force elements .

  7. 人力资本要素贡献与企业制度创新

    Contributions of Human Capital Factor and Institution Innovation of Enterprise

  8. 论产业集群生成机制中的人力资本要素

    On the Human Capital Factor in the Formation Mechanism of Industrial Clusters

  9. 试论知识资本要素投资的风险与规避

    On Investment Risk and Averse of Factors of Knowledge Capital

  10. 他们是资本要素形成的组织系统的全局。

    They are elements of the global system formed by organized capital .

  11. 其次,我们选择了公司治理中最重要的人力资本要素&企业经营者,作为分析的主体。

    Then , we select the most important factor-the operator as our object .

  12. 资本要素在区域经济发展中的作用与贡献

    The role and contribution of capital element to the development of regional economy

  13. 资本要素西进的效应及机制选择

    Effects of Capital Element 's Going to the West and Its Mechanic Selection

  14. 对人力资本要素的两个必要补充

    Two necessary Supplies to the Factors of Human Capital

  15. 资本要素是经济落后地区经济发展的基础。

    The capital element is the base of economical development in backward areas .

  16. 传统旅游发展方式注重景观资源、资本要素的投入,忽视人本关怀。

    Traditional tourism development focuses on landscape resources and capital inputs but ignores humanistic concerns .

  17. 资本要素流动机理分析

    Analysis of flowing mechanism of capital factors

  18. 在这一过程中,社会资本要素对农村人才流动具有很大影响。

    In this process , social capital factor has having a great influence on rural talents flow .

  19. 产业集聚是同一或相关产业在某个特定地理区域内高度集中,产业资本要素在空间范围内不断汇聚的过程。

    Industry agglomeration is the highly concentrated process of related industry and capital elements within the space .

  20. 另外,资本要素对经济增长的贡献度比劳动要素大,地方保护主义只在西部盛行,在东部地区并不突出。

    Besides , capital contributes more than labor , local protectionism is only significant in the western region .

  21. 中国沿海地区自然资本要素与社会经济发展综合评价研究

    Research on the Integrated Evaluation of Natural Capital Factors and Socio-Economic Development in the Coastal Areas of China

  22. 有经济价值的智力资本要素主要有学习能力、知识存量、工作及创造能力。

    The intellectual capital factors of economic value mainly include learning ability , knowledge stock and creative ability .

  23. 在此基础上结合相关案例,对知识型中小企业所有权安排中的人力资本要素进行分析。

    On this basis , give the analysis of human capital in knowledge-based SMEs ownership arrangements with relevant cases .

  24. 但是,其增长在很大程度上所依赖的是资本要素的投入特别是政府投资的增加,而非要素生产率水平的提高。

    However , the growth is largely dependent on capital inputs especially government investment rather than on factor productivity .

  25. 对平谷区116个农户的劳动力要素和资本要素投入进行了分析。

    The author also analysed the labor and capital inputs based on the questionnaire surveys data from 116 farmer 's households .

  26. 农村金融市场作为农村经济发展中最为重要的资本要素配置市场,其发展问题一直受到政府的高度重视。

    Rural finance market is the most important capital elements configuration market and its development always gets the attention of government .

  27. 由于人力资本要素在产品生产中的作用,人力资本要素应作为独立的生产要素而纳入一般经济分析的框架中。

    Human capital factor should be analyzed in the normal economic structure as the independent productive factor for it 's important function .

  28. 计量结果还表明人力资本要素通过提高创新能力间接地促进了我国全要素生产率的增长。

    Secondly , our research findings also indicates human capital can enhance China 's TFP growth by improving its technological innovation ability .

  29. 在知识经济时代,知识要素取代了土地和物质资本要素,成为经济增长的主要动力和增长来源。

    In the age of knowledge-based economy , knowledge substitutes land and capital as the major power and growth source of economic growth .

  30. 非资本要素包括技术、品牌、市场资源、管理能力和企业文化等无形资产。

    These element mainly involve enterprises ' intangible assets eg. technology , brand , market resource , managerial skill and corporate culture , etc.