
  • 网络ferrara;ciro ferrara
  1. 费拉拉拥有胜利的DNA,无论在他的球员生涯中还是作为意大利国家队主教练马塞罗。里皮的助手时都是如此。

    Ferrara has victory in his DNA , as shown by his career as a player and as Marcello Lippi 's assistant manager at the World Cup .

  2. AC米兰通过对尤文图斯的一场3:0的胜利保持了对领头羊&同城死敌国际米兰的压力。而此结果使主场教练费拉拉大发雷霆。

    AC Milan kept up the pressure on table-toppers and city rivals Inter Milan with a3-0 win away to Juventus-a result which turns the heat firmly on home coach Ciro Ferrara .

  3. 然而,来自挪威奥斯陆和意大利费拉拉市部分大学的研究团队发现,黑死病肆虐其实另有原因。科学家们利用九个欧洲城市的瘟疫爆发历史记录再现了该病在当时传播的过程。

    Scientists used historical records from plague outbreaks in nine European cities , building a picture of how the disease spread .

  4. 2009年,阔别CRM行业十年后,费拉拉有在2009年创办了Nimble公司,因为他认为市面上针对小型企业的CRM产品要么不够令人满意,要么就是太贵、太复杂。

    After 10 years outside the business , Ferrara founded nimble in 2009 to capitalize on his conclusion that CRM products for small businesses were either unsatisfying or too expensive and complex .

  5. 文艺复兴城市费拉拉及波河三角洲

    Ferrara , City of the Renaissance and its Po Delta

  6. 回到家后,西罗。费拉拉将会给大部队两天的休息时间。

    Upon returning home , Ciro Ferrara will grant the team two days of rest .

  7. 来自城墙的语言:意大利费拉拉大学的校园和建筑

    The Words of the Wall : Campus and Faculty buildings of Ferrara University , Italy

  8. 费拉拉称,每个用户平均花在这个平台上的时间达到5.5小时。

    According to Ferrara , the average time a nimble user spends on the interface is 5.5 hours .

  9. “我们确实给予了利沃诺太多进球机会了”主教练费拉拉在获得了四连胜之后任然对此若有所思。

    " We did allow Livorno a few too many scoring opportunities ," mused Coach Ferrara after a fourth straight win .

  10. 为了协助早期诊断,费拉拉的研究小组每周从接受骨髓移植的病人身上提取血样。

    To aid early diagnosis , Ferrara 's team took weekly plasma samples from patients who had received donated bone marrow .

  11. 西罗。费拉拉仍然需要一些新援来完善他的战术体系,但斑马军团是否能承担得起这笔费用还是个未知数。

    Ciro Ferrara still needs a few additions to complete his formation but it isn 't sure whether the Bianconeri can afford them .

  12. 他与贝尼特斯是一对好朋友,如果费拉拉走了,你可以看到贝尼特斯在名单中之首。

    He is a long-standing friend of Benitez , and if Ferrera does go , you can expect Benitez to figure prominently on any shortlist .

  13. 费拉拉将会在这场比赛中遇到老熟人,因为波尔多主教练劳伦特。布兰科在球员时代曾效力过那不勒斯。

    Ferrara will come up against a familiar face in the form of Laurent Blanc , the Bordeaux boss who was a former colleague at Napoli .

  14. 周末1比2输给罗马之后,费拉拉的压力倍增,许多谣言说他在都灵的工作都是虚度的。

    A2-1 defeat to Roma at the weekend has only increased the pressure on Ferrrara , with many speculating he is working on borrowed time in Turin .

  15. 尤文图斯主教练西罗。费拉拉非常欣赏祖尼加,因为这名全能的球员既可以踢左后卫也可以担任左前卫的角色。

    Juventus Coach Ciro Ferrara is a big fan of Zuniga , as he can operate both as a left-back and on the left wing with considerable ease .

  16. 城墙内外:意大利费拉拉历史城市保护案例究在意大利人找到抓地力的地方,队友拉尔夫-舒马赫却没有。

    The Mura Sits in Between : Case Study of Historic Urban Conservation in Ferrara , Italy Where the Italian found grip , team mate Ralf Schumacher could not .

  17. 布兰科还谈到了将球队主教练的职务托付给西罗。费拉拉,以及将塞巴斯蒂安。吉奥文科从青年队提拔到一线队的决定,并认为这一模式值得学习。

    Blanc also considers the decision to hand the bench over to newcomer Ciro Ferrara and bring young players like Sebastian Giovinco through the academy is a model to be copied .

  18. 前意大利前锋罗伯托-贝特加已经成为都灵俱乐部的新董事会成员,他的头号目标就是贝尼特斯替代备受指责的主教练费拉拉。

    Former Italy striker Roberto Bettega has moved in as the new boardroom heavyweight at the Turin club and has already targeted Benitez as a prime candidate to replace under-fire coach Ciro Ferrera .

  19. “我相信尤文图斯不需要大的变动,”费拉拉说。“我们需要的是一些高质量的球员,但这支球队已经拥有了一个基本结构。”

    " I 'm not sure Juventus has a need for a big revolution ," said ferrera . " we will need some quality players , but this team already possesses an important structure . "