
lán mù
  • the heading or title of a column
栏目 [lán mù]
  • [title;topic;subject] 报刊上专门登载某一类文字的版面

  1. 根据BBC频道《科学聚焦》栏目的解释,和你对着干的可能正是你那舒适的被窝。

    As the BBC 's Science Focus explains , the coziness of your covers could be working against you .

  2. 该栏目叫做“旅途中的陌生人”

    The radio program was called The Wayfaring Stranger .

  3. 李开复在致中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。

    In his email to China Real Time , Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career .

  4. A.这个问题可能是WhatIf栏目收到的最多的问题了……

    A. THIS IS PROBABLY THE single most popular submission to What If .

  5. 最后要填充的栏目叫作RTFFields。

    The last column to be populated is called RTF Fields .

  6. 本文重点对Web服务器和Internet生物医学信息指南系统的结构设计及各栏目主要内容作一介绍

    This article mainly introduces the structure and items of our web server and the Internet Biomedical Information Guide . Information model of construction machinery CAID

  7. 经常阅读本栏目的读者在我的列表中看到Eclipse时并不会感到惊讶。

    Regular readers of this column should not be surprised to see Eclipse on my list .

  8. 《华尔街日报》“中国实时报”(ChinaRealTime)栏目在上海长宁区婚姻登记处采访的一名工作人员说,到该机构申请离婚的人数出现增长。

    At the Changning district marriage registration center in Shanghai , staff saw an increase in the number of people applying for divorces , according to a staffer interviewed by China Real Time . '

  9. 前端用户系统作为插件或栏目形式无缝集成到IPTV平台中。

    The user front end is a plug-in component integrated in the IPTV platform .

  10. 在定义局部类型的开始,在要求的栏目中创建相应的UML类型(类型或内表)。

    To start defining a partial type , create the corresponding UML type ( class or interface ) in the required package .

  11. 您正在收听的是英国总领事馆英语在线播客栏目,我是Nina。

    Youre listening to British Councils English Online podcast and Im Nina .

  12. 在HP学院这个栏目里,我们将不断地为你提供新信息,以帮助你在工作和生活中做得更好。

    And here at HP , we 're always trying to give you new information to help you work and play smarter .

  13. 但是在本周的《科学》杂志上发表的来信(Letter)栏目中,三批研究者或环保组织成员对这些发现提出了担心,并质疑了这项研究的可靠性、合法性和经济意义。

    But in this week 's issue of Science , three groups of researchers raise concerns over the findings , questioning the study 's reliability , legality and financial implications .

  14. 英国《每日电讯报》宗教栏目编辑GeorgePitcher指出,在这一点上我们需要格外谨慎。

    As George Pitcher , The Daily Telegraph ` s religion editor , points out , we need to be cautious .

  15. 与此同时,第四频道新闻栏目(channel4news)对警方进行的调查显示,面对燃料价格飙升,汽油、柴油和取暖油窃案在过去一年大幅增多。

    Meanwhile , according to a survey of police forces by channel 4 news , thefts of petrol , diesel and heating oil have risen sharply over the past year in the face of rocketing fuel prices .

  16. 那是一个很好的开始,但是当为了一个特殊的条目,TreeViewer需要栏目文本时,您需要提供一些内容,而不仅仅是一个零值。

    This is a good start , but you need to provide something other than a null value when the Tree Viewer asks for the column text for a particular item .

  17. Loos的栏目提出新问题。

    Loos a new question for her column .

  18. Summly的一个早期版本——Trimit,于2011年7月出现在了苹果appstore“新品推荐”栏目中。

    An early iteration of Summly , called Trimit , was featured in Apple 's app store in July 2011 on a list of new and noteworthy offerings .

  19. 我的同事,负责“谷歌观察“栏目的ClintBoulton敏锐的观察到,谷歌正通过其网页服务推广Chrome浏览器。

    As my Google Watch colleague Clint Boulton so astutely observes , Google is using its Web services to push Chrome adoption .

  20. 最后发现时间胶囊的,还是美国国家地理频道真人秀节目《Diggers》的栏目组成员。

    The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel 's reality show called Diggers .

  21. TVB8和TVB星河透过卫星讯号将栏目发送至亚洲、美洲、欧洲、非洲及澳洲等地。

    The satellite-transmitted programming of TVB8 and TVB Xing He is available to viewers in Asia , America , Europe , Africa and Australia .

  22. 美国的晚间电视新闻节目是美国NBC,CBS,ABC三大广播公司的重要新闻栏目之一,其共同点在于强调主持人的个性和地位。

    The program of the night news is one of the important news column of three major broadcast companies in America , NBC , CBS and ABC , the common point of which is emphasizing the personality and position of the anchorman .

  23. 在本栏目的下一部分中,我将讨论服务提供者必须要做哪些工作,来履行WSFLflowModel所定义的角色。

    In the next installment of this column , I will discuss what a service provider must do in order to fulfill a role defined by a WSFL flowModel .

  24. 杰克逊博士对本报Op-Talk栏目说,谨慎的人往往更愿意吃蔬菜、锻炼身体,避免冒险行动,比如不系安全带驾车等。

    Conscientiousness people , Dr. Jackson told Op-Talk , tend to eat their vegetables and exercise , as well as avoiding risky behaviors like driving without a seatbelt .

  25. 我知道,正如新闻简报栏目TheBroadsheet所说,我们距离我们期望的目标还有很远的距离,我们还有许多工作要做,但我真的非常乐观。

    I know , as The Broadsheet talks about , we are not where we need to be and we have a lot of work to do , but I am really optimistic .

  26. 借鉴国外教科书评价表并结合CIEa-level化学教材实际,编制教师教科书评价表。该表共涉及排版设计、主体内容、写作风格、栏目、图表和辅助资料六个方面。

    Learn from a foreign textbook evaluation form and combine CIE A-level textbook , we design a new form . The teachers ' textbook evaluation form involves six aspects : layout design , the main content , writing style , columns , charts and supporting information . 3 .

  27. 采取灵活运用教材栏目、实验室资源来创设探究性学习模式。

    Flexible use textbooks columns , laboratory create inquiry learning mode .

  28. 在公共浏览的栏目上上传公开的信息除外。

    But information available in the public columns is an exception .

  29. 星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。征书广告,征求书刊启事栏

    It has many advertisements and many different sections . publications wanted

  30. 未经许可,任何人不得复制本栏目内容。

    Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited .