
  • 网络fallujah;falluja;Al-Fallujah
  1. 来自密西根州的参议员莱文在有线电视新闻网CNN的晚间新闻专访节目上说,一旦费卢杰的局势得以控制,必须要设法让逊尼派穆斯林参与政治进程。

    Senator Carl Levin of Michigan told CNN 's Late Edition that , once the situation in Fallujah is under control , efforts must be made to get the Sunnis involved in the political process .

  2. 发生在费卢杰的是野蛮行为。

    What happened in Fallujah was an act of barbarity .

  3. 尽管一月份在费卢杰(Falluja)--顽固无比的逊尼派城市,警方朝示威人群开火,造成五人死亡,但是安全部队在大多数情况下一直避免正面对抗示威者。

    Despite one incident in January when police opened fire on a mob in Falluja , an ever-restive Sunni city , killing five , security forces have for the most part avoided confronting protesters .

  4. 攻击费卢杰是为了清除那里数以千计的反叛分子。

    That assault was intended to root out thousands of insurgents .

  5. 巴格达西部费卢杰警察局外也发生了爆炸事件。

    Other blasts occurred outside the homes of policemen in Fallujah , west of Baghdad .

  6. 国家电视台的评论员表示,希望不久后哈吉侯赛因餐厅能在费卢杰重新开业。

    On state television , commentators expressed hope that Haji Hussein might reopen soon in Fallujah .

  7. 同时,伊拉克军队继续加强防御,希望能夺回费卢杰的控制权。

    Iraqi army , in the meanwhile , is continuing to press the defensive to retake Fallujah .

  8. 伊拉克政府军最近在费卢杰取得了一些战果,与此同时,人们几乎立刻开始谈论哈吉侯赛因餐厅。

    When Iraqi forces recently made gains inside Fallujah , people almost immediately began talking about Haji Hussein .

  9. 但是在录音带中,酷似扎卡维的声音说他并不在费卢杰。

    But on the recording , the voice purported to be al-Zarqawi said he was not in Fallujah .

  10. 菜单上有些新菜品是在费卢杰没有供应过的:烤鲤鱼,名为Masgouf;

    There were some new items on the menu that were not served in Fallujah : grilled river carp , called masgoof ;

  11. 爱德华兹表示,近期离开费卢杰市的大部分民众将与亲人住在一起,或是住在学校、清真寺、医院里。

    Edwards says most of the people who recently fled Fallujah are living with relatives or staying in schools , mosques and hospitals .

  12. “她对我说,”我们一共五个人,包括一个55岁的邻居,在围城开始时困在我们在费卢杰的家里。

    Five of us , including a55 year old neighbour , were trapped together in our house in Fallujah when the siege began .

  13. 空袭发生前,伊拉克特殊部队和武装分子之间的争斗引发了越来越多的担忧,武装分子掌控着费卢杰市和拉马迪市。

    The strike comes admitting increasingly fears of fighting between Iraqi Special Forces and insurgents who control of cities of Fallujah and Ramadi .

  14. 一名费卢杰居民表示,被毁坏的其中一所房屋是两年前遇难的一名警察的家,他的家人也在爆炸中遇难。

    A Fallujah resident said one of the houses destroyed belonged to a policeman killed two years ago and that the victims were family members .

  15. 当客人涌进门的时候,侯赛因竭力回想费卢杰的餐厅在战火中总共受损或被摧毁了多少次。

    As customers streamed in , Hussein tried to recall how many times his restaurant in Fallujah had been damaged or destroyed by the war .

  16. 他说,一些动乱地区,包括费卢杰、巴格达西部地区和巴格达郊区萨迪市,被列在未来军事行动的名单上。

    He said trouble spots , including Fallujah , west of Baghdad , and the Baghdad suburb of Sadr City , are on the list of future military operations .

  17. 联合国难民署表示,伊拉克中部安巴尔省又有一批民众离开,争斗双方争夺的费卢杰市和拉马迪市就位于安巴尔省内。

    The UN Refugee Agency says there is a new flood of Iraqis leaving central Iraq 's Anbar province , home to the contested cities of Fallujah and Ramadi .

  18. 就在费卢杰是两支由美国人,她被允许“嵌入”,她的前途只能由叛乱分子做饭的晚餐(这是斋月)。

    Just before Fallujah was blitzed by the Americans , she was allowed to " embed " herself with the insurgents only by promising to cook their evening meal ( it was Ramadan ) .

  19. 造成伤亡人数最多的爆炸发生在东南部的城市库特和巴格达市,但是在基尔库克、巴士拉、拉马迪、卡尔巴拉及费卢杰也相继发生了爆炸事件。

    The heaviest casualties were after explosions in the southeastern city of Kut and in the capital Baghdad , but there were also attacks in Kirkuk , Basra , Ramadi , Karbala and Falluja .

  20. 作为欣欣向荣的巴格达餐饮业的后来者,它既供应烤肉,又为人们提供怀恋往昔的场地——曾几何时,拔腿前往费卢杰,去哈吉侯赛因餐厅吃午饭,对巴格达人而言是稀松平常的事情。

    A new entrant on the capital 's thriving restaurant scene , it offers great kebab and a dose of nostalgia for a time when Baghdadis thought nothing of zipping off to Fallujah for lunch at Haji Hussein .

  21. 不久前的一个晚上,当49岁的侯赛因坐下来聊天的时候,周围满是系着领结的服务生——许多从费卢杰过来的员工目前在新餐厅工作。在食客等待开斋之际,他们把风味小吃端到桌上。

    As Hussein , 49 , sat down to chat one recent evening , he was surrounded by bow-tied waiters - much of the staff from Fallujah now works in the new place - filling the tables with dishes of mezze , or appetizers , as diners waited to break their fast .